American History II

By betty92
  • Compromise

    A purported informal, unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election. Pulled federal troops out of state politics in the South, and ended the Reconstruction Era.
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    Rutherford B. Hayes

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    James A Garfield

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    Chester A. Arthur

  • Anti- Asian Act

    Anti- Asian Act
    Prohibited Chineese labor immigration for 10 years extended twice. Americans also fear a Japaneese takeover.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    Pres. Garfield was killed by a man who wanted a position in office but he was qualified. This was passed so there would have to be exams before accepted into office.
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    Grover Cleveland

  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    Required railroads rates to be "reasonable and just." United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices.
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    Benjamin Harrison

  • Sherman Anti - Trust Act

    Sherman Anti - Trust Act
    tried to outlaw and destroy trusts, along with other devoices trying to eliminate competition. It was vaguely worded so it was impossible to enforce.
  • McKinley Tariff

    This put a tax on all goods manufactured by a foriegn country. The goal was to put an emphasis on buying American goods.
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    Grover Cleveland

  • Cuban Independence

    Cubans are led by Jose Marti. Yellow journalists like Hearst and Pulitzer exaggerated stories of Spanish actions in Cuba.
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    Willian McKinley

  • Wilmington Race Riot

    Wilmington Race Riot
    Black men are attacked after voting. White men were waiting outside the government building with riffels.
  • Cuban Invasion

    Theodore Roosevelt resigns as assistant secretary of the Navy, then orgnizes a group of former soldiers called the Rough Riders to fight in Cuba.
  • Spheres of Influence

    Spheres of Influence
    Areas in China were foreign nations had special rights and powers. John Hay promoted the open Door Policy which mean that foreign nations could trade anywhere in China.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

  • Mckinley assassinated

    President McKinley was assassinated. Teddy Roosevelt became president.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The U.S supported a revolution in the province of Panama and helped the country become independent. We then negotiated a deal with the new Panamanian government.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Roosevelt extended the Monroes Doctrine with his s[peech about American power. He said the US should be the "policeman" of the Western Hemisphere.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    7.8 magnitude that killed 3000 people. 80% of the city was destroyed.
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    William Taft

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    The Great Migration

    The movement of 6 million African Americans. Out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West.
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    Woodrow Wilson

  • War in Europe

    Russia withdrew after communist revolution led by Vladimir Lenin. Mainly a shift in momentum to the Allies.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This was signed at the end of World War I. Germany owed $337 Billion USD for the war's damage.
  • 19th Amendments

    This gave women th bee right to vote. Women
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    prohibited sale, manufactured, and transportation of alcohol beverages. Moonshine became popular and sold secretly.
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    Warren Harding

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    Calvin Coolidge

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    Herbert Hoover

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    The Great Depression

    A long and severe recession in an economy or market. Originated in the United States, but quickly spread to Europe and the rest of the world.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Farmers cleared large areasof the great plains for agriculture. Drought struck and praire winds caused huge dust storms.
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  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    John Collier helped to restore tribal governments and enlarged reservations.U.S. federal legislation that dealt with the status of Native Americans
  • Hitler marches in Europe

    Hitler annexed Austria saying that he was helping Germans in the counrty . This was the early stages of the Holocaust.
  • More of Hitler

    Germany signed the Non- Agression Pact with Russia saying Russia wouldn't interfere in Poland if Germany wouldn't interfere in the Baltic states.
  • US actions

    The Lend Lease Act was passed. The President could lend or lease goosds to anyone whoose defense was vital to the US.
  • Treaty of Versailles 1945

    This ended Worl War II. Germany is divided into communist East and Democratic West.
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    Harry Truman

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    Dwight D. Eiesnhower

  • Suez Crisis

    9 day conflict between Isreal and Egypt over control of the Suez Canal. This had been in contention since WWII.
  • Hungarian Invasion

    Hungarian rebels fight against the USSR forces, fighting against the communist forces that had been there since WWII.
  • Takeover of Cuba

    Fidel Castro takes power of Cuba, aligns with the communists. CIA trains refugees for an invasion and takeover of the island.
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    John F. Kennedy

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    soviets had placed missles capable of reaching the US in Cuba. Kennedy blockaded the island and forced the Soviets to agree to dismantle the sites.
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    Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Civil Rights

    Prohibits discrimination for housing based on any factor. No with holding loans or houses for qualified buyers, no matter their race.
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    Richard Nixon

  • Nixon orders

    Nixon orders an invasion of Cambodia to cut off vietcong and North Vietnamese supply lines. Huge protest in US causing violence.
  • American Involvement

    The Kent stat shootings started taking place. 4 students were killed and 9 others wounded.
  • US and N Vietnam

    The US and North Vietnam signed a cease fire after Henry Kissinger negotiated wih North Vietnam. N Vietnam conquered South Vietnam.
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    Gerold Ford

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    Jimmy Carter

  • Camp David Accords

    Jimmy Carter broked a deal between Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachim begin of Isreal. Net at a Presidential retreat in the US.
  • Columbian Anti- Drug Intervention

    War on drugs declared by Nixon in 1971, popularized during the 80's. White collar drugs were a big issue of thw 80's.
  • Air Traffic Controll Strike

    After striking for better pay, Regan demanded the 13,000 workers back to work. When 11,00 didn't go back, he had them all fired.
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    Ronald Regan

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    George H. W. Bush

  • Persian Gulf War 1991

    US invaded Iraq stopping their invasion of Kuwait. Primarily for their control of oil and business interests in the area.
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    Bill Clinton

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    George W. Bush

  • Terror Attacks

    Terrorists coordinate a series of attacks on the US 2 hijacked airplanes were flown into the World Trade center Towers.Another was flown into the Pentagon, another forced down.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Devestation to New Orleans leaving most of the city under water. Left Thousands of people homeless or migrated to the SE
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    Barack Obama