American Imperalism

By Noser
  • 1 BCE

    Reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism

    Reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism
    Military Strength
    New markets
    Belief of cultural superiority
  • America’s Acquisition of Alaska

    America’s Acquisition of Alaska
    1867America gained Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars
  • America and Cuba

    America and Cuba
    During the Spanish-American War Cuba was recognized Cubans independence. After the war, the teller amendment meaning the U.S could not take over Cuba.
  • Spanish American War Causes

    Spanish American War Causes
    Yellow journalism
    The Lome letter criticizing President Wilson over

    The sinking of the battleship main The public opinion was we wanted vengeance over the sinking of the battleship main
    America won the first battle then we land in Cuba and win at Juan highs then we win and Spanish and Spanish surrender at Santiago
  • America and Puerto Rico

    America and Puerto Rico
    Some Puerto Ricans wanted independence, others wanted statehood, and some wanted a measure of local self-government. As a result, the United States gave Puerto Ricans. no promise of independence after the Spanish-American war.
  • America and the Philippines

    America and the Philippines
    Filipinos reacted harshly to the treaty of Paris which called for American annexation of the Philippines. Then the Filipinos rioted. So the army suppressed the riot and so we made it so the president gets to appoint a governor.
  • Americans and china

    Americans and china
    In China, there was just the Boxer Rebellion. After the Boxer rebellion, the U.S. feared the Europeans would use their victory in the Boxer Rebellion to control china. To prevent this John Tlay issued a second series of open door notes to stop this
  • Roosevelt’s Foreign world Policy

    Roosevelt’s Foreign world Policy
    Roosevelt’s built a foreign world policy of expanding the United States influence on the world stage. His quote speak softly and carry a big stick.
    In 1903 Roosevelt built the Panama Canal
    Then in 1904 he drafted the Roosevelt corollary which the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers.
  • Wilson’s Foreign Policy

    Wilson’s Foreign Policy
    1916 he made the jones act which allowed withdraw sovereignty over the Philippine Islands as soon as a stable government can be established
    Then in 1917 we bought the Verigin islands Wilsons Dollar Diplomacy this called for the U.S. government to promote stability, primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean, in order to yield investment opportunities for American companies
  • America’s Acquisition Of Hawaii

    America’s Acquisition Of Hawaii
    In 1893 American expatriates and sugar planters supported by the U.S marine’s deposed queen Liliuokalani. Then Pearl Harbor was built in 1898 then in 1959 Hawaii became a state
  • Today

    Today we still have that drive for imperialism we Sill compete over the stronger military a larger trade and we all think that are culture is superior
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