
American Revolution Battles

  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    The battle of Lexington and concord was the start of the American Revolution. There were about 79 militia men and about 1000 British soldiers. When the British reached concord there was no ammunition or weapons stored there. On there way back the British were being ambushed all the way back to Boston. The British had about 73 dead and 174 wounded. The militia had about 7 dead. In the end the British lost and the colonist won.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    There were 1,200 undisciplined militia men, and 2,300 British soldiers. The British were stunned to see Breed's Hill fortified overnight with a 160-by-30-foot Earth structure. The British won that battle, but only because the militia ran out of ammunition.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    There were 85 regular British, and about 175 green mountain boys. There were no casualties from either side. The American militia gained Fort Ticonderoga, and took the cannons to Boston, but didn't arrive until 1776. For Ticonderoga became an important point or the colonist because of the artillery and cannons.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    The British had 20,000 troops, and the colonial army had 10,000.The British won with only 64 killed, 31 missing, and 293 wounded. Unlike the British the Americans had 300 dead, 700 wounded, and 1000 captured. The one success the Americans had was they retreated 9,000 men without any casualties on their way back to Manhattan.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    There were1,200 hessian troops and 5,000 American troops. Washington captured Trenton. 22 were killed, 92 wounded, 918 captured, and 400 escaped. When he heard that reinforcements were coming he crossed back to New Jersey. When he arrived in New Jersey he was told the British were marching south. So he went back to Trenton and told 500 men to stay and keep the fires going while 5,000 men marched to Trenton, and then to Princeton and they took Princeton also.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    There were 5,000 British troops and 20,000 American troops. A furious battle raged around freeman's farm. Arnold poured in fresh regiments until the jittery Gates broke off the action, leaving the broken down British forces in possession of the ground. Burgoyne attempted another assault on October 7 ignoring orders from gates. Arnold and other militia groups forced Burgoyne to Saratoga where he surrendered ten days later.
  • The Battleof Monmouth

    15,000 British were on their way to new York from Philadelphia and were being bombarded by American militia, causing the British to only go 40 miles a week. The Colonial army agreed to attack the British they attack with 5,000 men from one side and 6,000 men from the other side. When night came Washington saw there fires were still burning he thought they would continue the fight in the morning, but to discover the British were already back on their way to New York.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    There were 1,100 British and 1,000 Americans. The British mistook the repositioning of the Americans as a rout and ran into an unexpected volley of concentrated fire. Tarleton escaped, but Morgan’s troops decimated his army. The Americans won and with a small amount of 100 casualties compared to 800 for the British. This is the first Patriot victory to demonstrate that they could outfight a similar British force without any other factors, such as surprise or geography, to assist them.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    There were 9,000 British and 17,000 French and colonial soldiers. George Washington commanded Marquis de Lafayette to take 5,000 troops and stop Cornwallis’ escape from land, and the French to stop his escape from sea. Cornwallis surrendered after non-stop bombardment from artillery and cannon fire.