An Educational Historical Timeline

  • Latin Grammar Schools

    Latin Grammar Schools
    Multiple reasons aided my decision to include this portion of history. First, after graduating, students were going to college. I was struck by the early age of college attendance (15yrs). Secondly, the curriculum's reflected the needs at the time. Our Educational System has consistently been reflected the needs of our country. Our schools often reflect our nation's morals, values, and reflect the need of industry and commerece.
  • War of 1812-14

    War of 1812-14
    Although the system was far from perfect, the ability for the newly founded nation to direct monies into a public system gave way to our modern system of education. The importance of our nation's youth to become education finally became a priority. The Educational system of folks putting their own money (ie, taxes) into developing our youth is an important milestone in our nation's history.
    (supplemental date: 1821, fist high school started, I hope to teach at the high school level.)
  • Factory School Model (Peak 1908)

    Factory School Model (Peak 1908)
    This system was reflective of our nation’s industrial model of commerce and the industrial revolution. It is reflective of our current system in many ways as well. Our system is trending away from the one size fits all curriculum and instructional methods used during this period. This is important because it also shows that our system is adaptable. It also features our system is reflective of the needs of our nation.There are still many remnants of this model reflected in our educational system.
  • Brown V. Board of Education 1954

    Brown V. Board of Education 1954
    This event highlights one of the primary events in our nation's history. Although it required compliance and reform, this event highlights our changing social values and morals being reflected within the education system. Brown V. Board of Edu. was a cultural shift to allow children of color to be treated equally. Often credited as one of the several moments that helped change the tide of our civil rights movement.
  • ACT 10, Wisconsin's end to Collective Bargaining

    ACT 10, Wisconsin's end to Collective Bargaining
    It's passing, removed collective bargaining by state and city employees. Many teachers unions were forced to give up many of the benefits closely held by teachers. Studies do not show an effect on student-teacher ratios. The lasting impact if this legislation has been to deepen the divide in our country and state with opposing viewpoints.It was also the beginning of a battle with many union members from across the employment spectrum