Ancient egypt 1

Ancient Egypt - Andrea Chalarca & Susana Manco

  • 2925 BCE

    Menes unites Egypt

    Menes unites Egypt
    Was the first king of unified Egypt, he joined Upper and Lower Egypt in a single centralize monarchy. Figure perhaps represent manes on a victory tables of Egyptian king Narmer.
  • Period: 2649 BCE to 2150 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Egypt old Kingdom was one of the most dynamic periods in the development of the Egyptian art, during this period artists star learning how to express their cultures. The improvement the art of carving intricate, decoration and the observation of the natural world.
  • Period: 2030 BCE to 1640 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    The Middle Kingdom start when Mentuhotep ll reunited Upper and Lower Egypt, prepare the stage for a second flowering of Egyptian culture, they were the first that came into prominence serving as capital and artistic center during dynasty ll. At the end of dynasty ll the throne was from a new family, they move the capital north to ltj-tawy, near modern lisht.
  • 1630 BCE

    Hyksos invade Egyptians

    Hyksos invade Egyptians
    Was a dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty, the name Hyksos was used by the Egyptian historian Manetho.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1070 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC, they follow the second intermediate period and was succeeded by the third intermediate period and it was Egypt's most prosperous time.
  • Period: 1508 BCE to 1458 BCE

    Reign of Hatshepsut

    Hatshepsut was consider one of the Egypt's most successful Pharaohs. Hatshepsut served as his regent
  • Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Reign of Thutmose lll

    Was the pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, is called the napoleon of ancient Egypt. He was responsible for the golden age of ancient Egypt, Thutmose lll was the best pharaoh ancient Egypt has ever seen.
  • Period: 1292 BCE to 1190 BCE

    reign of Ramses ll

    Was the third king of the 19th dynasty, he was the second longest in the Egyptian history, he in known because of his extensive building programs.
  • 525 BCE

    Persians Conquer Egyptians

    Persians Conquer Egyptians
    The Persians ruled Egypt from 525 BC fighting off the Libyans.
  • 332 BCE

    Greeks Conquer Egyptians

    Greeks Conquer Egyptians
    When Alexander the great seized Egypt on his mission to conquer the Persian Empire, in the fifth century the country has more marvels and monuments that defy than any other.