Pyramids of giza

Ancient Egypt

By A03
  • 3101 BCE

    Ancient Egypt, a civilization of lone rulers impacted and torn apart by religion

    Welcome to Ancient Egypt. Please enjoy your stay.
    For images and other interesting facts, please visit a site maintained by the University of Colorado:
    Notes: Dates are circa and the Egypt ends in 322 BC.
  • 3100 BCE

    Beginning of the Predynastic Period

    Menes/Narmer unites South and North Egypt.
  • 2950 BCE

    End of the Predynastic Period and the Beginning of the Early Dynastic Period

    Memphis is the capital and scribes are using papyrus.
  • 2650 BCE

    Imhotep builds the first step pyramid for Djoser in Sakkara.

    Imhotep builds the first step pyramid for Djoser in Sakkara.
  • 2600 BCE

    The Khufu and Khafre pyramids have a north-south orientation

    The Khufu  and Khafre pyramids have a north-south orientation
    The 365 days per year system is introduced, but it lacks leap years.
    The oldest bronze is made of 9 parts copper and 1 part tin.
  • 2575 BCE

    End of the Early Dynastic Period and the Beginning of the Old Kingdom

    Snefru spends a lot of Egypt's resources changing the way pyramids are built.
  • 2200 BCE

    The 9 gods in the Pantheon at Heliopolis

    Nut, Geb, Nephthys, Seth, Osiris, Isis, Atum-Ra, Shu, and Tefnut are included.
  • 2150 BCE

    Causes for downfall of the Old Kingdom

    Noblemen gain power and the monarch loses it.
  • 2150 BCE

    End of the Old Kingdom and the Beginning of the First Intermediate Period

    People begin writing of the fall of the empire due to loss of centralized power.
  • 2150 BCE

    The First Intermediate Period

    The period was a time of drought and rebellion. The Book of the Dead rises in popularity.
  • 2134 BCE

    Thebes gains power through the tough times.

  • 2050 BCE

    Cats are domesticated.

    The Egyptian cat obsession begins!
  • 1975 BCE

    End of the First Intermediate Period and the Beginning of the Middle Kingdom

    Thebes manages to consolidate power.
  • 1975 BCE

    Lower Nubia is conquered in the Middle Kingdom

  • 1640 BCE

    End of the Middle Period and the Second Intermediate Period begins.

    The Hyksos attack and place themselves in positions of power. However, they continue Egyptian traditions while bringing more advanced technology. Chariots become a weapon for Egypt.
  • 1555 BCE

    Amun-Ra's influence grows.

  • 1520 BCE

    End of the Second Intermediate Period and the Beginning of the New Kingdom

    This period features Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen, Rameses I, Rameses II, and Rameses III. Egypt is taken back from the Hyksos with the Hyksos' own technology! The capital is once again Memphis.
  • 1490 BCE

    Pyramid production stops in its tracks and tombs are guarded against robbers.

    Pyramid production stops in its tracks and tombs are guarded against robbers.
    Big tombs, the necropolises, begin to be built! The Valley of the Kings is one such example.
  • 1450 BCE

    Palestine and Syria are taken over.

  • 1385 BCE

    Akhenaten comes into power; No more religious freedoms!

    Cults other than that of Aten are suppressed. Amarna comes into being and becomes the center of Egypt.
  • 1370 BCE

    Pharaohs begin mingling!

    Pharaohs begin coming into contact with other cultures. Marriage between nobles and such increase friendliness between neighbors.
  • 1333 BCE

    Tutankhamen returns religious freedoms and returns to Thebes.

    Amarna becomes reduced to dust as Thebes becomes favoured. Also, people are thankful for their religious freedom.
  • 1279 BCE

    Religion gains traction with the masses and its importance rises.

    Pharaohs are depicted kneeling to gods in Egyptian art following the return of power to the religious cults.
  • 1258 BCE

    Peace with the Hittites!

    Peace is brokered between Egypt and the Hittites.
  • 1230 BCE

    The Pharaoh is with an outsider!

    The Pharaoh is with an outsider!
    Ramesses II marries a Hittite princess for better relations.
    The Temple of Ramesses II is built.
    Inauspiciously, around the same time, Books of the Dead are found depicting the beliefs of the Egyptians regarding a trial prior to entering the afterlife proper.
  • 1200 BCE

    Iron becomes favored over bronze.

    Iron hits with full force, demonstrating its merits.
  • 1140 BCE

    Corn becomes unusable.

    A definite indicator of poor civilization health occurs.
  • 1075 BCE

    End of the New Kingdom and the Beginning of the Third Intermediate Period

    Egypt once again falls into disarray. It becomes split into the North and the South. The North favors Tanis and the South crowns Thebes as its capital.
  • 715 BCE

    Shoshenk reunites Egypt, but not fast enough.

    On the way to reuniting Egypt, Lebanon and Israel was lost.
  • 715 BCE

    End of the Third Intermediate Period and the Beginning of the Late Period

    Egypt is on a decline, and will be soon attacked. Multiple times.
  • 569 BCE

    Ahmose II is the last native ruler.

    In this period of turmoil, Tanis of the north finally makes a move for the top spot in the hierarchy, but battle over Egypt would soon ensue.
  • 332 BCE

    715-332 BC, a time where the Assyrians would attack, followed by the Persians

  • 332 BCE

    End of the Late Period

    It is the year 332 BC and Egypt is now Persian. After a lot of breaking off, reunification, and great architectural feats, Persian now controls what is left of Egypt.