Ancient Egypt Timeline

  • 9000 BCE

    9000 bc

    9000 bc
    Hunter gatherers in the Middle East and North Africa are collecting wild grains. Herders in what will be called Zargos mountains. Around modern Iran border began to fill with goats and sheep
  • Period: 9000 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ancient Egypt timeline

  • 7000 BCE

    7000 bc

    7000 bc
    Flax is grown and spun to make linear cloth; pigs, sheep and goats are domesticated.
  • 5300 BCE

    3500 b

    3500 b
    Pictographs, symbols that represent words are being used in both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The grassland of North Africa are drying up, the Sahara desert is growing larger.
  • 4500 BCE

    4500 bc

    4500 bc
    Potters wheels, sails and ploughs are invented along the Tigris and Euphrates; the small villages of this region are growing into cities.
  • 2134 BCE

    2134 bc

    2134 bc
    Central rules fails in Egypt, local rulers struggle for power.
  • 1550 BCE

    1550 bc

    1550 bc
    Ahmose becomes pharaoh, driving out Hyksos
  • 1333 BCE

    1333 bc

    1333 bc
    Nine year old Tutankhamen becomes Pharaoh, and Egypt returns to the worship of Amun.
  • 600 BCE

    600 bc

    600 bc
    Mesopotamia becomes apart of the persian empire.
  • 500 BCE

    500 bc

    500 bc
    Ur is abandoned but people may have continued to bury their dead their.
  • 51 BCE

    51 bc

    51 bc
    Cleopatra, a decentdent of Ptolemy, becomes queen of Egypt.
  • 30 BCE

    30 bc

    30 bc
    Cleopatra dies; Egypt becomes a province of the Roman Empire.