Ancient Rome

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    Origins of Rome, 625 BC

    It is around 625 BC when the historical founding of Rome occurred, although setlling can be dated back as far as 1000 BC.
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    Legend of the Founding of Rome

    Legend of the Founding of Rome
    Legend has it Rome was founded on April 21, 753 BC, backed by the legend of Romulus and Remus and the legend of Aeneas. Pictured are Romulus and Remus as they appear in part of the legend.
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    The Legend of Aeneas, 1200 BC

    The Legend of Aeneas, 1200 BC
    One of the founding legends of Rome is the legend of Aeneas, in which Aeneas is a hero fighting the Greeks in the Trojan War and married the daughter of King Latinus, thus, causing a battle in which Aeneas triumphed.
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    Revolt Against Rule of Etruscan Kings, 510 BC

    In 510 BC, Rome underwent a revolt against the Etruscan Kings, led by Lecius Iunius Brutus who had been appointed to a position as a form of comedy by King Tarquin.
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    Recognization of Rome as Great Power, 348 BC

    In 348 BC, Rome and Carthage entered a treaty as Carthage began to recognize the great power that Rome was becoming.
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    The First Punic War, 264 BC

    In 264 BC, the first of the three Punic Wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians occurred. The three Punic Wars together span over one century.
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    The First Macedonian War, 215 BC

    In 215 BC, Macedon's Philip V allied himself and Macedon with Hannibal, against Rome. It would turn out that the first of four Macedonian Wars would contain little conflict for the Romans.
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    End of Macedonian Wars, 197 BC

    The end of the Macedonian Wars was brought about when Philip V was defeated by T. Quinctius Flamininus.
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    The Third Punic War, 149 BC

    In 149 BC, the Third Punic War ensued and in 146 BC the war ended. The Third Punic War resulted in the overtaking of the Carthaginians by ninety year old King Masinissa of Numidia, which turned out to be an ally of Rome.
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    Pompey and Crassus, 70 BC

    Pompey and Crassus, 70 BC
    In 70 BC, Pompey and Crassus were elected easily over Sulla, despite the fact that Pompey was too young and Crassus should have let a year pass between his position of praetor before he could stand for re-election.
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    The First Consulate of Caesar, 59 BC

    In 59 BC, Julius Caesar usded his year of consul to further advance his position, doing things such as passing laws that Pompey and Crassus liked even though the senate did not.
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    Pompey Becomes Sole Consul in Rome, 52 BC

    In 52 BC, Pompey was elected sole consul of Rome after Crassus had left to tka eof governorship of Syria. He also achieved a five year extension of his proconsul term in Spain, even though the deal would cut Caesar's term in Gaul short by about a year.
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    Falling Out Between Pompey and Caesar, 49 BC

    After a denied application for joint resignation, Caesar was forced to make the choice to go to war with Rome.
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    Octavian Becomes Sole Ruler of Rome, 28 BC

    Octavian Becomes Sole Ruler of Rome, 28 BC
    After Antony committed suicide in 30 BC, Octavian was left as the sole leader of Rome. In 27 BC, Octavian laid down his laws and it was clear the the Republic was dissolved. He then bcame known as Augustus.
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    The Assassination of Julius Caesar

    The Assassination of Julius Caesar
    It was in 44 BC when Julius Caesar was assassinated. Throughout 44 BC Caesar continuously consolidated his power until declaring himself the sole dictator. The decision was made by sixty senate members that the only resolution to the problem was to assassinate Caesar.