Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

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    Russian Revolution and Animal Farm

    Comparisons between the Russian Revolution and Animal Farm.
  • Mr.Jones

    Mr. Jones was the owner of Manor Farm. He was cruel to his animals by malnutrition and abuse. He was unfit to manage a farm and take care of others because he couldn’t even take care of himself or his home. Sometimes the animals were fortunate when Mr. Jones mixed milk into the mash for feed. Overall Mr. Jones was disliked throughout the community.
  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II
    Czar Nicholas II was disliked throughout the community and as a leader. He was also cruel during battle and used brutal tactics. Although he was seen as a negative individual, he would hire students and pay them to be spies.
  • Old Major

    Old Major
    Old Major had a great influence over the farm. He preached about how a revolution would soon come. He taught Animalism which resembles Communism. He had passed before the revolution of Manor Farm.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Marx invented and promoted the practice of Communism. He thought that people who are middle class and poor should be doing all the labor. Marx wanted to take over the government. He passed before the Russian Revolution had begun.
  • Snowball

    Snowball was promoting a better quality of life. He was one of the leaders of the revolution in Animal Farm. Snowball was educated and well spoken alike Trotsky. He was chased away by Napoleon's dogs.
  • Leon Trotsky

    Leon Trotsky
    Leon Trotsky followed in the footsteps of Marx. He also practiced Communism. Trotsky was educated and well spoken. He was one of the leaders of the October Revolution. He wanted to improve the quality of life for all citizens in Russia. Unfortunately he was chased away by secret police who were known as the KGB. The KGB was organized by Vladimir Lenin.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Joseph Stalin didn't follow Marx's practice of Communism. Stalin wasn't very educated compared to Trotsky, and wasn't that great of a public speaker. He had everyone killed who opposed his ways. He would use propaganda to try to win over the community, and used KGB to control citizens who were against him.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon was the leader of Animal Farm during the revolution. He was not well spoken and others deliver information to the animals. Napoleon was selfish and cruel. He wanted all the power and used the dogs to kill anyone who tried stopping him. He too used propaganda to brainwash the animals. Napoleon had several different tactics to persuade the animals into believing anything he said.
  • Russian Orthodox Church

    Russian Orthodox Church
    In 1917 communist leaders used the church as a propaganda agent, strengthening ties with foreign religious leaders creating the illusion of free religion in the Soviet Union. Karl Marx, the philosopher, also a known atheist, called religion: the opiate of the people. Due to Marx's wide spread following atheism became mandatory for people of the ruling Russian Comunist Party. This ban on religion lasted until 1939 when some restrictions were relaxed on relgion.
  • Beasts of England and Moses the Raven

    Beasts of England and Moses the Raven
    This song resembled their independence and hope for life on the farm. The animals would sing it like a person would recite a prayer on song in church. It was in a way some sort of religion. Napoleon eventually banned the song from being sung throughout the farm. Moses preached to the animals about Sugarcandy Mountain as if it were Heaven. He was a hard worker and told the animals if they worked hard that they would get to go to Sugarcandy Mountain.
  • The Allied Invasion of Russia

    The Allied Invasion of Russia
    This invasion begins with Germany invading the Russian territories. Germany starts off with many victories but then surrenders to the Russians after their last attempt by launching Operation Winter Storm.
  • The Battle Of Cowshed

    The Battle Of Cowshed
    The Battle of Cowshed was the first time that Mr. Jones and the other farmers tried to take back Manor Farm. Mr. Jones and his men's efforts to take back the farm were unsuccessful. In anger of failure they left the farm.
  • Five-Year Plans

    Five-Year Plans
    These plans focused on the development of iron and steel, machine tools, and electric power and transport. He claimed that without this mass production the Soviet Union would fail to defend themselves against an invasion. He promised high wages to motivate employees to work harder.
  • The Windmill

    The Windmill
    Napoleon promised that life on the farm would be easier if this windmill was built because the windmill would save them of more work in the future. The faster the windmill was built then easier life would be on the farm. He promised more food rations for the animals due to the hard work the windmill took to build.
  • Battle Of The Windmill

    Battle Of The Windmill
    Mr. Jones already gained a bad reputation when his farm was taken over by his own animals. He saw the progress the animals made on their own with up keeping the farm and building the windmill. In anger he and the other farmers tried to blow up the windmill while the animals fought back.
  • The German Invasion of 1941

    The German Invasion of 1941
    Also known as Operation Barbarossa, this invasion on Russia was intended to gain control of the Russian territories. It was secretly planned up until the actual invasion. Although the Germans had some victories, overall the operation failed.