AP Art History

  • 600 BCE

    Athenian agora.

    Athenian agora.
    Archaic through Hellenistic Greek. 600 B.C.E.–150 C.E
  • 530 BCE

    Anavysos Kouros.

    Anavysos Kouros.
    Archaic Greek. c. 530 B.C.E. Marble with remnants of paint
  • 530 BCE

    Peplos Kore from the Acropolis.

    Peplos Kore from the Acropolis.
    Archaic Greek. c. 530 B.C.E. Marble, painted details
  • 520 BCE

    Sarcophagus of the Spouses.

     Sarcophagus of the Spouses.
    Etruscan. c. 520 B.C.E. Terra cotta
  • 510 BCE

    Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo.

    Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo.
    Master sculptor Vulca. c. 510–500 B.C.E. Original temple of wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock); terra cotta sculpture.
  • 480 BCE

    Tomb of the Triclinium.

    Tomb of the Triclinium.
    Tarquinia, Italy. Etruscan. c. 480–470 B.C.E. Tufa and fresco.
  • 460 BCE

    Niobides Krater

    Niobides Krater
    By the Niobid Painter. c. 460–450 B.C.E. Clay, red-figure technique (white highlights).
  • 450 BCE

    Doryphoros (Spear Bearer).

    Doryphoros (Spear Bearer).
    Polykleitos. Original 450–440 B.C.E. Roman copy (marble) of Greek original (bronze).
  • 447 BCE


    Athens, Greece. by Iktinos and Kallikrates. c. 447–410 B.C.E. Marble
  • 410 BCE

    Grave stele of Hegeso.

    Grave stele of Hegeso.
    Attributed to Kallimachos. c. 410 B.C.E. Marble and paint
  • 190 BCE

    Winged Victory of Samothrace.

    Winged Victory of Samothrace.
    Hellenistic Greek. c. 190 B.C.E. Marble.
  • 175 BCE

    Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon.

    Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon.
    Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). Hellenistic Greek. c. 175 B.C.E. Marble (architecture and sculpture).
  • 100 BCE

    Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, Pompeii.

    Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, Pompeii.
    Republican Roman. c. 100 B.C.E. Mosaic. Roman copy of a Greek wall painting of c. 310 B.C.E., perhaps by Philoxenos of Eretria or Helen of Egypt.
  • 100 BCE

    Seated boxer.

    Seated boxer.
    Hellenistic Greek. c. 100 B.C.E. Bronze.
  • 75 BCE

    Head of a Roman patrician.

    Head of a Roman patrician.
    Republican Roman. c. 75–50 B.C.E. Marble
  • 62 BCE

    House of the Vettii.

    House of the Vettii.
    Pompeii, Italy. Imperial Roman. c. second century B.C.E.; rebuilt c. 62– 79 C.E. Cut stone and fresco
  • 1 CE

    Augustus of Prima Porta

    Augustus of Prima Porta
    . Imperial Roman. Early first century C.E. Marbl
  • 70

    Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)

    Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
    . Rome, Italy. Imperial Roman. 70–80 C.E. Stone and concrete. (Aerial view and elevation view)
  • 113

    Forum of Trajan.

    Forum of Trajan.
    Forum of Trajan. Rome, Italy. Apollodorus of Damascus. Forum and markets: 106–112 C.E.; column completed 113 C.E. Brick and concrete (architecture); marble (column).
  • 118


    Imperial Roman. 118–125 C.E. Concrete with stone facing. (Façade view and interior view of the Dome)
  • 250

    Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus.

    Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus.
    Late Imperial Roman. c. 250 C.E. Marble