Ap Euro 3rd Quarter Timeline

  • The French Revolution- Liberty

    In the 18th century, liberalsim had been created and the liberals were demanding that citizens had no limits on their rights and that there should have been equality of rights and opportunity.
  • The French Revolution- Liberalsim

    Liberalism was another "ism" on the uprise and it was mainly the Greeks and Judeo-Christians who were worried about human dignity and legal equality. It was meant more for the well-educated elites.
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  • The French Revolution- American Rev. Influence

    French soldiers like Lafayette served in America and they were astonished as to what the Revolution was and it caused a more violent and influential revolution for France.
  • The French Revolution- Government Issues

    France's government was bankrupt and it could not adjust to all the problems. Consequently, the monarchs had to raise taxes
  • The French Revolution- National Assembly

    Louis XVI wanted to tax properties but was opposed by the Estates General. In turn, there was a dispute over the voting that caused the 3rd estate to separate from the National Assembly and then the Tennis Court Oath was made. (They could not disband until they had written a new constitution)
  • The French Revolution- Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The National Assembly gave the rights to all citizens the guarantee of equality before the law and a representative government.
  • The French Revolution- Bastille

    The French Revolution- Bastille
    Parisians stormed the Bastille and they took it. Consequently, this saved the National Assembly.
  • The French Revolution-Pillnitz

    Thoughts that the revolution would spread created fear from European Kings and the nobility resulted in the Declaration of Pillnitz. It threatend the invasion of France by Austria and Prussia.
  • The French Revolution-"Second Revolution"

    In 1792, there was a radicalization in France and the National Convention declared France a republic.
  • The Industrial Revolution- Combination Act

    This Act outlawed unions and strikes. It prohibited the trading of unions and collective barganing of British workers.
  • Napoleon- Concordat

    Napoleon- Concordat
    Naopoleon signed the Concordat of 1801 that assured Catholics the freedom to worship.
  • Napoleon-Second Coalition

    Napoleon defeated Austria and made peace with Britain which were the only 2 remaining of the 2nd Coalition.
  • Napoleon-Civil Code

    Napoleon created the Civil Code that allowed the middle class to safeguard their right to own property and also equality.
  • Napoleon- Napoleon becomes emperor

    He used the fear of the conspiracy to send back the Bourbons to power so he could become emperor.
  • Napoleon- Battle of Trafalgar

    There was another war that was against the 3rd Coalition which was Austria, Russia, Sweden and Britain, resulted in British naval dominance at the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • Napoleon- Third Coalition

    3rd Coalition collapsed at Austerlitz and Napoleon made the Confederation of Rhine by organizing the German states.
  • Napoleon- Treaty of Tilsit

    This treaty was when Prussia lost about half of their population and Russia accepted when Napoleon reorganized western and central Europe.
  • Napoleon- Spanish Revolt

    When Napoleons reign was coming to an end, with it came the Spanish Revolt and the British Blockade
  • Life In Urban Society- Edwin Chadwick

    Life In Urban Society- Edwin Chadwick
    Edwin was a social reformist that wanted to increase the public health of society so it was very affordable. He played a great role in the public health movement.
  • The Industrial Revolution- 1813 Law

    This law ceased wage regulations and permitted the labor market to be swamped with children and women.
  • Napoleon- Fourth Coalition

    Napoleion ended up beating Austria, Prussia, Russia and Great Britain and stepped down from his throne. This caused another defeat at Waterloo in 1815.
  • The Industrial Revolution- The Commence

    The I.R. began in Great Britain and had the first 2 factories that could not even keep up with the demand. The cotton spinning was very popular.
  • The Industrial Revolution- Living Conditions

    Living conditions was declining from 1792 to 1815 becasue the food prices were rising quicker than wages. There was still unemployement going on.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- The Corn Law

    This law protected English landowners by not allowing the imports from foreign places of grain. This is an example of aristocratic calss power.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Liberalism

    Austria, Prussia and Russia, all under Metternich, led a crusade against liberalism. They formed what they were called "Holy Alliance" to check liberal and revolutionary activity.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Carlsbad Decrees

    The German Confederation was controlled by Metternich and in turn, the Carlsbad Decrees were released. They stopped subversive ideas and organizations in the 38 German states.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Six Acts

    The Six Acts were what eliminated all mass meetings that was passed by Parliament. It occured because of the protests by urban laborers.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals-Conservatism

    Metternich represented the view that if monarchy, bureaucracy and aristocracy were mixed, then that was the best state. He did not like liberalism because he thought it disturbed the lower classes and it caused war and bloodshed.
  • The Industrial Revolution- Combination Acts

    The Combination Acts were repealed. The workers continued to organize and strike.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Reform Bill

    This Bill increased the number of voters. This was due to the growth of the middle class and their desire for reform.
  • The Industrial Revolution-Factory Act

    The Factory Act of 1833 confined the hours that children could work in textile factories. They did not have limitless hours of work any more.
  • Life In Urban Society- Antiseptic Principle

    Joseph Lister was an English surgeon thought that a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound dressing would destroy aerial bacteria. This is where we get listerine from!
  • The Industrial Revolution-Steam Engine

    The Industrial Revolution-Steam Engine
    The Steam engine was created but it replaced the coal that was used for heat. Now, the engine could be used to produce mechanical energy and to run machinery.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Corn Laws Repealed

    The Corn Laws were repealed and free trade was established by the Anti-Corn League but at the same time the Chartist demand for male suffrage did not succeed.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Ten Hours Act

    This act restricted the factory work day for women and children to only 10 hours. Tory and Whig parties were the ones who were interested in this act and passed it.
  • Ideologies and Upheavals- Communist Manifesto

    Marx and Engles created the Communist Manifesto which has been the most important work of socialism. The industrial society was characterized by the proletariat and bourgeoisie.
  • Age of Nationalism- Louis Napoleon

    He was elected president of France. The people wanted a strong nation leader that helped and served the poeple and economy and that is why he was elected.
  • The Industrial Revolution- Railroads

    There was a large creation of railroads that improved transportation and lowered the cost of them and it made larger markets and cheaper goods.This changed the vaules of the society.
  • Life In Urban Society- Illegitimacy Explosion

    This was a time period of many illegitimate births. But after 1850, this illegitimacy decreased which indicated the growing mortality of the working class.
  • Life In Urban Society- Labor aristocracy

    This aristocracy was the idea of the trade unions and the members wanted to create groups to encourage union. They were leaning more towards capitalist ideals.
  • Life In Urban Society- Positivist Method

    Auguste Compte was involved with the sociology and he postulated that each of our knowledge passed through 3 different theoretical conditions.
  • Life In Urban Society- Rebuilding of Paris

    Paris was rebuilt by Haussmann and it was a model city. The city now had parks and sewers were improved and aqueducts were built.
  • Age of Nationalism- 2nd Empire

    Napoleon's success was helping France's economy and his goverment influenced banks and railroads. Paris was also rebuilt.
  • Age of Nationalism- Cavour

    Cavour was Sardinia's liberal minister and central Italy was joined with Sardinia to form a united nothern Italian state. Cavour was a nationalist that wanted union for the nothern states.
  • Age of Nationalism- Abolishment of Serdom

    The collective owenership of the land established was undertaken. The serfs had to buy their freedom but not all of them could afford it. The peasants were more alienated because of this though.
  • Life In Urban Society- Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur developed this idea that supressed the activity of living organisms in a beverage by heating it.
  • Age of Nationalism- Homestead Act

    Not only the Homestead Act but the Thirteenth Amendment reiforced the idea of free labor. Lincoln allowed people who had never taken up arms againt the US govt. to file an application to claim a federal land grant.
  • Age of Nationalism- Civil War

    This war was the bloodiest conflict in America. Yet it brought together all the states. The North's victory proved that democracy worked. Medical advances were improved and women had to take on other occupations like farming.
  • Age of Nationalism- Ausrto-Prussian War

    Bismarck was a Junker politician and wanted only secure power for himself and Prussia. He became the chief minister of Prussia and thought that "blood and iron" is the way to answer Germany's questions.
  • Age of Nationalism- Franco-Prussian War

    Patriotic war was used against France to bring southern Germany into the union. France was forced to accept cruel peace terms. William I became emperor of Germany.
  • Life In Urban Society- Darwinists

    A group of thinkers that were popular with the upper middle class saw the human race as driven forward to progress by the economic struggle that would determine the survival of the most fit. (Natural Selection)
  • Life In Urban Society- Freud

    Freud came up with the defense mechanisms and that human behavior is motivated by unconscious emotional needs. Nature and origins are kept from conscious by mental devices.
  • Age of Nationalism- Revolution of 1905

    The "bloody sunday" was a massacre bewteen the tsar's soldiers and protesting workers. Nicholas II had to issue the October Manifesto that gave complete civil liberties and a populary elected parliament. This was also known as Duma.