AP Gov

  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Definitely gain in state power. It may not have seemed like it at the time because it was our first constitution but the states were given so much freedom with the Articles of Confederation. They could print money, have their own banks, etc.
  • Constitution Convention

    Increase in federal power. The constitution was the beginning of a strong federal system. It literally tells the state and federal governments what powers they have, the federal has more.
  • Commerce Clause

    Gives congress power to regulate trade with foreign countries. Does not allow states to negotiate trade on their terms anymore. Power goes to the federal government.
  • Supremacy Clause

    Increase in federal power. Clause basically says states must follow federal laws because they are supreme. Hence the name.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    This amendment outlines the concept of federalism. It basically stated that if something was not in the constitution then it would be a state power.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    Increase in federal power. States could not target part of federal government with their own legislation. Put restrictions on which laws states could make.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Expanded what congress could relegate with the commerce clause. Increase in federal power.
  • Civil War

    HUGE increase in federal power. Besides slavery the entire war was about states rights. The union one and the following reconstruction period was all about the federal government flexing it's muscles in victory.
  • 14th Amendment

    Amendment stated that anyone born on United States soil would become a citizen. More power to federal government because this law was enforced no matter how much protesting the state's put up.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Power went to states. They were racist and treated African Americans poorly. This allowed the states to enforce their segregation laws "separate but equal"
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Made food safer to eat, less contaminated meats. Increase in federal power. Act cracks down on poor food practice often used in interstate trade.
  • 16th Amendment

    Congress has the power to tax incomes. Increase in federal power. States have to obey constitution so once it became ratified, it was a big increase in federal power.
  • Gitlow v. New York

    Selective Incorporation- the USA can determine how it wants to read the constitution. Power to federal government, convicted Gitlow for criticizing government.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal was the beginning of citizens in need having a heavy reliance on federal government for basic needs. If the citizens need the gov that bad, it is an increase in power.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation was dead. Increase in federal power, at least in the south. The state governments were still racist back then and this did not go over too well.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This was the beginning of the end of segregation and accepted racism. Federal government gained power, the states in the south hated this act for the most part but the federal power trumped the states.
  • Election of Reagan

    Election of Reagan
    Power back to the states. More state power, Reagan is still loved by the republican party because of this. "Devolution"
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans could not be discriminated on the account of their disability. Increase in federal power. It was a federal act placing restriction on what states were getting away with with the disabled of America.
  • 104th Congress

    The government shut down for two years. Devolution (power going back to the states)became greatly involved. With the shut down of the federal government, state governments took lots of power.
  • United States v. Lopez

    Power to federal government. Lopez raised question of whether or not the federal government's power had gone to far. Federal government was regulating a local school.
  • Printz v. United States

    Federal power increased. Gun restrictions, the ability to legally obtain a gun became harder.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Standardized testing imposed by the federal government. Federal government gains power, reaches through education now.
  • 911

    Largest terrorist attack in US history. America goes into great hysteria, federal gov declares war and vows revenge. Gets lots of support at the beginning for upcoming war.
  • Homeland Security

    More power to federal government. Appointed the federal government the job of keeping the homeland safe. Keeping the state's safe, the federal government is sort of like a big brother here.
  • ObamaCare

    Increase in federal power. Federal government gives money and helps out people who don't have adequate money for healthcare expenses. Federal government supplies for people and increases power.