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AP US History

By l0rena
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the New World

    Christopher Columbus reaches the New World
    An Italian explorer sailed under Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain in search for a western ocean route to Asia. He first landed on a Bahamian island, believing he had reached East Asia. Soon after, Columbus and his men landed on Hispaniola where he established a small colony. In 1493, Columbus was revered when he returned to Spain with gold, spices, and a few Indians. Even though Columbus didn’t discover the Americas, his exploration sparked a new age of exploration in Europe.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Refers to the flow of goods between the Americas, Europe, and Africa that followed Columbus's widely advertised "discovery" of the New World. People, animals, plants, and disease passed from continent to continent affecting virtually all aspects of the environment in all three.
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Signed by Spain and Portugal, dividing the territories of the New World. Spain received the bulk of territory in the Americas, compensating Portugal with titles to lands in Africa and Asia.
  • 1512

    Encomienda system established

    Encomienda system established
    The Encomienda system was a labor/economic system developed by the Spanish to the determine the status of Native Americans. The system was a way of controlling the natives.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes invades Mexico

    Hernan Cortes invades Mexico
    Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec empire in 1519, thereby claiming Mexico for Spain. Spain was eager to colonize Mexico ever since they discovered the Yucatan peninsula a year before Hernan Cortes ships reached Mexico. Cortes was easily able to defeat the Natives he encountered at Tabasco. The natives ended up providing the Europeans with food, supplies, and women, including Malintzin, an interpreter.
  • 1532

    Rise of the Atlantic slave trade

    Rise of the Atlantic slave trade
    The Transatlantic slave trade shipped approximately 12 million Africans from West Africa to New World to work on plantations. West africans captured and sold fellow Africans to Europeans. The Portuguese were the first to complete a transatlantic shipment of slaves.
  • 1542

    New Laws

    New Laws
    The New Laws were sets of laws for the Indies created by King Charles V of Spain in regard to Spanish colonization of the Americas.The laws were pro-Indian and called for the better treatment and preservation of Indians. They were created in response to the encomienda system, which likened colonial society to feudalism, which was the society in the Old World.
  • 1555

    Tobacco arrives in Europe

    Tobacco arrives in Europe
    Tobacco was a lucrative cash crop in the New World. Once harvested, tobacco was sent back to the mother country and sold. It proved to work well with the mercantilist system because it was profitable for the mother country. In the colonies, the cultivation of tobacco demanded more slaves and more land. Because cultivating tobacco was arduous work, more slave labor was needed.
  • Settlement of Jamestown

    Settlement of Jamestown
    Jamestown was the first successful permanent English settlement. England sought to parallel and surpass the discoveries and settlements of other European nations. In 1607, members of the joint stock company known as the Virginia Company founded Jamestown. The colony was named after King James I.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America. This body was created as part of an effort to inspire English craftsmen to journey and settle in North America.This is significant because it showed order in the colony and trained the future founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Pilgrims seeking religious freedom arrived in the New England area on November 11th,1620 aboard the Mayflower. During the trip, the colonists signed the Mayflower Compact.This is significant because it shows how the colonists did not approve of Britain's controlling perspectives on religion, and how although they left, they still want to show their loyalty to the crown.
  • Half-Way Covenant

     Half-Way Covenant
    It was a deal with the church that extended to kids of church members. it gave them membership of the church even though they had not fully been confirmed
  • King Phillip's War

    King Phillip's War
    A Wampanoag leader, called Phillip, started a war against the English when they wanted to put all the natives under English control
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Armed rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the governor of Virginia, William Berkeley. They did not achieve the goal they wanted but ultimately led to Berkeley being called back to England.
    This is significant because it led to the heavy need for African slave labor.
  • Creation Of The Domain Of New England

    Creation Of The Domain Of New England
    New England consists of the present day states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, and New York. At the time they were mostly British colonies.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In Salem, Massachusetts people were put on trial and many were hung after being accused of being a which or participating in which craft.
  • Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    This was a major part of the triangle slave trade. in 1725 it was reported that 30 slaves had died on the middle passage journey.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    It was a time of religious revival that swept across the colonies as well as Europe. It left a lasting impression on american Protestantism.
  • The Creation of the Albany Plan

    The Creation of the Albany Plan
    A conference of colonial delegates from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England met in Albany to discuss a treaty with the Iroquois
  • The Start of the French and Indian War at Fort Necessity

    The Start of the French and Indian War at Fort Necessity
    British control over colonies during the French and Indian War was the inciting element that sparked tensions between the British and the colonists. The opening battle of the French and Indian war took place at Fort Necessity. During the battle, the French and Native American attack the fort and fight an irregular warfare in the forests.
  • The Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    The Signing of the Treaty of Paris
    Marked the ending of the French and Indian War. In addition, it marked the end to colonial self-government and the beginning of colonial resistance to British authorities. It also heightened tensions between the colonists and the Native Americans.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    A proclamation issued on October 7, 1763 that was created to alleviate relations with natives after the French and Indian War. Colonists were not permitted to pass the Appalachian Mountains for permanent settlement.
  • 1770: Boston Massacre

    1770: Boston Massacre
    The violent clash between British troops and a Boston mob occurred on March 5, 1770. 5 citizens were killed when the troops fired on the crowd that were harassing them. The incident inflamed anti-British sentiment in the colony.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded British ships carrying tea in the Boston Harbor. The colonists proceeded to dump tea in the harbor in response to the tea act.
  • Coercive Acts:

    Coercive Acts:
    Also known as the Intolerable Acts. They were instituted by the British as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Harbor would be closed until the debt could be repaid. In addition, all town meetings were dissolved in Massachusetts. Lastly, the British appointed government officials from Britain.
  • First Continental Congress:

    First Continental Congress:
    Met in Philadelphia to determine how the colonies should react to what seemed to pose an alarming threat to their rights and liberties. Georgia was the only colony not in attendance. There was no talk of secession from England yet. The colonies assembled to protest parliamentary acts and restore the relationship they had with the British before the French and Indian War.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord:

     Battle of Lexington and Concord:
    "Shot heard around the world." British governor Thomas Gage sent troops to Concord to stop the colonists who were loading arms. 73 British troops were killed and 200 were wounded/missing. These battles initiated the Revolutionary War and resulted in a British retreat to Boston.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    A formal declaration of independence from Britain was declared by the colonies. Two days later the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the new congress. This declaration had the greatest impact on the public than ever before.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    In Shays’ Rebellion, farmers in Massachusetts attacked Springfield Arsenal after facing economic issues. These issues consisted of high taxes, eviction, and debt, which ultimately led to imprisonment. This rebellion, which was eventually put down by state militia, demonstrated the need for a stronger centralized government.
  • Constitutional Convention:

    Constitutional Convention:
    After Shay’s rebellion, the elite land owners were afraid of the poor seizing land and participating in more rebellions, along with slaves rising up against their masters. The Congress agreed to a meeting with the purpose of adding amendments to the Articles of Confederation. The men in attendance were nationalists with a desire for stronger government.
  • George Washington President

    George Washington President
    Washington was the first president of the United States. He was the fearless military leader in the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. Washington was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, and he helped establish a monarch-free democracy also free from European control. He was a Federalist and was unanimously elected to be the first president. He was sworn in on April 30, 1789. He established several precedents including the Cabinet and a two term presidency.
  • The Whisky Rebellion:

    The Whisky Rebellion:
    The Whiskey Rebellion was a revolt by farmers in western Pennsylvania who opposed the federal tax on whiskey. Troops were sent in by President Washington, under the command of Alexander Hamilton. In 1794, a letter to Governor Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania from Hamilton reported “while it shows a great proportion of the Inhabitants of those Counties disposed to pursue the path of Duty, shews also, that there is a large and violent Party which can only be controlled by the application of Force.”