Apes 3rd

By Dgamble
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    Henry David Thoreau

    Best know for his book Walden about simple living in natural surrounding.
    "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Facts
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    John Muir

    Was admidered during his time for his onesness with nature and also helped to save The Yosmite valley national park.
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Muir (has pictures)
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    Teddy Roosevelt

    Creadted US Forset Service 5 national parks and many of enviromental things
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    Gilford Pinchot

    Cheif of the Division of Forestry
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    32nd president of the US and created the CCC and soil conservation.
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    Aldo Leopold

    Fought to get the American Game Policy adopted by the US government.
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    Ronald Regan

    BLocked a 4 lane highway project in the sierra nevada moutains and enlearged 2 nature reseves. Also saved 2 rivers from have dams bulit on them.
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    Richard Nixon

    Created the EPA, Endangered Speicies Act, and the Drinking water act.
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    Gaylord Nelson

    Gaylord Nelson was the founder of earth day.
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaylord_Nelson (pictures)
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    The Shrinking Aral Sea

    Started shrinking when farmers blocked Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers to for irragation.
  • Love Canal

    Love Canal
    Originaly built to be a canal but became a dumping ground for toxic waste and the town was abandonded.
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    Rachel Carson

    She was oncean biographer, also a biologist.
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    Jimmy Carter

    Reserved 104 million acres for national parks in alaska also installed 39 solar panels on the whit house roof.
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    Bill Clinton

    Created the Water Reasoucres act in 1993 and protected natural reasources in the lake tahoe region.
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    Lois Gibbs

    Led her community to battle against the Love Canal crisis.
  • London Smog

    London Smog
    Smoke was trapped by anti cyclone over london for a week and claimed the live of over 4000 people.
  • Cuyahoga River Fire

    Cuyahoga River Fire
    This fire only caused 50,000 dollars of damage while the 1952 fire caused 1 million. There are no known pictures of 1969 fire
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    Toxic Brown Clouds

    Spotted in china from the late 1990's to present
    http://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1423832/toxic-cloud.jpg (pic)
  • TN Valley Coal Ash spill

    TN Valley Coal Ash spill
    An 84 acre coal ash dike ruptured spilling up to six feet of sludge in some areas.
  • BP Oil Spill

    BP Oil Spill
    An oil rig exploed spilling 1.84 million gallons of oil into the gukf of mexico and killing 11 people.
  • Fukushima

    A double earthquake and two tusnamis hit the miyagi prefecture. The reactors exploded due to leaking hydrogen reacting with oxygen in the air.