Apple Timeline

By ayi
  • Apple Founded

  • Macintosh

    Apple releases the Macintosh, the first computer to be sold without a programming language at all.
  • Apple Releases Powerbook

    In 1991, Apple introduced the PowerBook, replacing the Macintosh Portable
  • Apple Introduces IMac

    Apple introduced a new all-in-one computer reminiscent of the Macintosh 128K: the iMac.
  • Apple Releases the Mac OS X

    Mac OS X, was released on March 24, 2001 after several years of development.
  • Apple Releases IPod Shufffle

    Apple debuted the iPod portable digital audio player.
  • Apple Introduces the Itunes store

    In 2003, Apple's iTunes Store was introduced. The service offered online music downloads for $0.99 a song and integration with the iPod.
  • Apple Inc

    During his speech at the Macworld Expo on January 9, 2007, Jobs announced that Apple Computer, Inc. would thereafter be known as "Apple Inc."
  • Iphone and Ipod Touch released

  • Apple introduces Ipad

  • Steve Jobs Passes Away

    Apple announced that Steve Jobs had died, marking the end of an era for Apple.