APUSH Timeline assignment to 1850

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    First European explorer to discover the New World
  • Jamestown established

    English settlement of Jamestown. England eventaully becomes a major power in the New World
  • Mayflower reaches Plymouth

    Puritans reach Plymouth Rock in New Enlgand. Eventually settle Northeastern America.
  • Dutch settle in New Amserdam

    Dutch settlers arrive in northern America. Eventaully become a major player in the fur industry.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot War
    Connecticut Natives go to war with colonists over trading rights. Colonist are victors.
  • King Philip's War

    Plymouth colonists vs. Wanoanog Indians. Metacom is defeated.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon rebels against the Virginia governor due to lack of proctection from Indians and high taxation.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    Pueblo Revolt
    Pope expells the Spanish from Southwestern America with the help of the Pueblo Indians.
  • France claims Louisiana

    French explorer La Salle claimes the lower Mississippi River Valley and Louisiana for France.
  • Dismantle of the Dominion of New England

    William and Mary of England dismantle the Dominion of New England which was created by James II before the Glorious Revolution. Trade flourished in New England.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Protestand revival of Biblical teaching spread across America. One of the leading revivalists was George Whitefield who was Anglican.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Britain and France sign the Treaty of Paris which effictively ends the French and Indian War.
  • Stampt Act

    Stampt Act
    Parliament passes the Stamp Act which taxes all legal documents. One of the major causes of the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    English soldiers kill 5 unarmed American citizens. One of the causes of the Revolutionary War.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Washington is elected as the leader of the Continental Army. Declaration of Independence is drafted.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The United States of America is created under Jefferson's Declaration of Independence from Britain.
  • Articles of Confederation

    First form of a constitution for the United States. Gave major power to state government and little power to the Federal government.
  • Statute for Religious Freedom

    Thomas Jefferson writes the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom which gives religious freedom to all Americans.
  • Constitution

    United States adopts the Constitution which gives more power to the federal government and less power to the states. Congress has the power to tax the people.
  • Whisky Rebellion

    Farmers attack tax officials in Philadelphia. Federal government puts down the rebellion. Shows the power of the federal government to tax American citizens.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    George Washington leaves office by delcaring that the nation should not be divide between rival political parties.
  • XYZ Affair

    Tallyrand of France tries to get $250,000 and $12 million for himself and France in order to delegate with the US. Adams does not go along with the deal.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury is not given papers by Madison even though he was a Midnight Judge. Supreme Court rules that it is not up to them to delcare that unconstitutional.
  • Embargo Act

    Jefferson banns imports and exports to all European nations in order to protect industry and the US Navy. Results in economic hardship for the US.