Arlanis Volquez

  • 1415

    Prince Henry´s Caper

    Prince Henry´s Caper
    In 1415 Prince Henry had convinced his father, King John of Portugal to pull a caper and capture the main Muslim trading post on the northeastern trip in Morocco. The reason why Prince Henry wanted to pull the caper was because he was jealous of how rich the Muslim were and if Prince Henry could get rid of the Muslim, then the riches and resources would be his. (Chapter 1, Page 22)
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1450

    Gomes de Zurara: The World´s First Racist

    Gomes de Zurara: The World´s First Racist
    Zurara wrote the book ¨ The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, ¨ the first book was written to described black people as savage animals. (Chapter 1, Page 23)
  • 1526

    Johnannes Leo: The World´s First African Racist

    Johnannes Leo: The World´s First African Racist
    Formerly known as ali-Hasan lbn Muhammad or now known as Johannes Leo was captured and enslaved man who was eventually freed by Pope Leo X, who converted him to Christian. Zurara´s description of black people manged to convince some Africans that they were inferior beings compared to the English. Johannes was convinced and described Africans as hypersexual savages. (Chapter 1, Page 27)
  • 1557

    The Curse Theory

    The Curse Theory
    The curse theory came to be after noticing that lnuit people in the cold climate were darker than the people in the hotter south. This meant that the darker skin tone was thought to not be a from of climate. Instead the idea of it being a from of a curse was theorized. (Chapter 2, Page 29)
  • William Perkins

    William Perkins
    William Perkins published the book ¨ Ordering a Familie. ¨ The book portrayed slaves as a a another loved part of the family that´s just ordered differently. This made the new slave owners believe that they are ¨ cleaning up ¨ the Africans or that they´re being benevolent. (Chapter 2, Page 31)
  • The San Juan Batutista Hijacked

    The San Juan Batutista Hijacked
    In 1619, a Spanish ship called the San Juan Batista was hijacked by two pirate ships. The ship had around 350 Angolans and only 60 of them were taken, sold, and enslaved. (Chapter 2, Page 36)
  • Increase and Maria

    Increase and Maria
    Increase ( Son of Richard Mather and Sarah), and Maria ( Daughter of John Cotton and Sarah ) have an Incestous child named Cotton Mather who was an 11 year old Harvard student and an extremely religious. ( Image of Increase Mather ) ( Chapter 4, Page 46-47)
  • Richard Baxter Writing

    Richard Baxter Writing
    A piece by British Minister Richard Baxter called ¨ A Christian Directory. ¨ He believed that slavery was helpful for African people and he even said that some slaves volunteered. (Chapter 3, Page 38-39)
  • White Privilege is Introduced

    White Privilege is Introduced
    In 1676, a revolt by poor white and black people arose. In order to turn the poor white people against poor black people and so, Governor William Berkeley created privileges for white people only.The white rebels would be pardoned and the slaves would be severely punished. All white people would also have the power to abuse any African person. ( Image of William Berkeley ) (Chapter 3, Page 43-45)
  • The First Antiracist Writing

    The First Antiracist Writing
    A christian denomination from German and Dutch speaking area of central Europe called the Mennonites were being killed for their religious belies. The Mennonites did not want to leave America, so they circulated on antislavery petition on April 18, 1688, comparing oppression due to skin tone and oppression due to religious beliefs. It was eventually shut down because slave owners didn´t want their business being talked about like it was wrong. (Chapter 3, Page 41)
  • Cotton Mather

    Cotton Mather
    He was the grandson of Richard Mather and John Cotton. He wrote the book ¨ An Invisible Enemy. ¨ This made African people an even more despise race. He did this because he was afraid the the British elites would bring on a revolution. He was born on 2/12/1663. He dies in 1728. (Chapter 4, Page 46,49,53)
  • Witch Hunting

    Witch Hunting
    Samuel Parris´s daughter suffered from convulsions and chokes. He believed that his daughter was either possessed or cursed by a witch and that was all it took to initiate a witch hunt. People would be accused of witchcraft over the next few months. Cotton Mather used to bring up witches, as an attempt to reflect the crusade against him. Later, the witch hunt eventually died down.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was one of the first people to acknowledge Africans and not consider them as lower people, he consider them to be normal people. He also studied antircaism. (Chapter 5, Page 57-58)
  • The Enlightenment Era

    The Enlightenment Era
    The Enlightenment Era was started around 1700 hundred´s after Cotton Mather´s death. This movement was started by Benjamin Franklin. (Chapter 5)
  • Phillis Wheatly

    Phillis Wheatly
    John Wheatly, adoptive father to Phillis Wheatly gathered around 18 of America´s smartest men, so that they could test her intelligence and her literate, so that they could see how much a black person could know. Phillis answered every question correctly which proved a certain point that could be used for later antiracists.( Image of Phillis Wheatly ) (Chapter 5, Page 60)