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As Motion Pictures Progressed : Have you ever thought how television had actually came about ? Without these great scientists there wouldnt be a such thing as a TV or Television.

  • Era of electronic inventions

    Era of electronic inventions
    Since scientists knew how electricity had worked, they began to work with electronics to make life better and easier .
  • Still picture transferred

    Still picture transferred
    Abbe Giovanna Caselli had invented what they called a Pantelegraph - it transferred images through wires.
  • Transferring Pictures to signals

    Transferring Pictures to signals
    Two scientists named Smith and May had experimented on selenium which coukd make it easier to transform pictures over wires easily.
  • George Carey thinks up of TV

    George Carey thinks up of TV
    George Carey had thought of a machine that people coukd use at home to view pictures.
  • Television

    The first "television" was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris.
  • Moving pictures

    Moving pictures
    A scientist from Scotland, named John Baird, developed a way to capture objects in motion. It was called the moving picture, and paved the way for movies and TV shows.
  • Newborn TV station

    Newborn TV station
    The first station was named W3XK. It was owned by Charles Jenkins.
  • First major television network

    First major television network
    CBS was the first major TV network.
  • Color of TV was released to public

    Color of TV was released to public
    Color TV had been in development for many years. It was finally released to the public in 1950.
  • TV to the MOON

    TV to the MOON
    Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon and the whole world saw through their television sets. The TV revolution had begun.