Asking For and Offering Assistance

By Soniac
  • Self Sufficiency System

    Self Sufficiency System
    "characterizedby an inability and unwillingness to ask for help or
    delegate because of the belief that no one can do it as well as
    you can." (Health Book 13) I suffer from this one especially with my fiercly independent nature. So just know sometimes that it can't hurt to ask for a little help.
  • A.C.T Formula

    "A -- What are you Afraid of? Create an awareness
    around what keeps you from asking for help. Is it fear of
    rejection? Appearing vulnerable to others? Surrender of
    • C -- Let go of feeling you have to Control everything and
    that asking feels like giving up that control.
    • T -- Learn to Trust yourself enough to reach out and
    take a chance that you can trust someone else. (Health Book 14)"
  • Observation

    "Look at yourself using a "third person perspective" and at the
    end of the day, objectively review all the times you could have
    asked for help and didn't (Health Book 14)"
  • Perfectionist

    "Our expectations become so high that no one else
    can meet them and we're burning out because of them." Again this can go hand in hand with self-sufficiency. So take a step back and accept your best.