Assignment 3

  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot in 1497 searched for the Northwest pasaage but ended up finding Cod fish in newfoundland. This could have made poeple migrate to Canada knowing they can get food.
  • quebec city is founded

    quebec city is founded
    Samuel de Champlagne came and setled a new piece of land which is now Quebec city. This made people move to the city because it was new and room to live.
  • Samuel de champlain

    Samuel de champlain
    Told people that Canada is a great place to live because of all of the wood, minerals from water and fertile land.
  • Beaver pelt

    Beaver pelt
    People got inspired by the swedish men fighting in the thirty years war so they decided to wear the hats, It was a fad that stayed fro a while.
  • Period: to

    Canada deports Acadians

    They refused to give an oath for the British becuase their old leaders didn't have to. This cause a fight.
  • Period: to

    Underground railway

    The underground railroad was a network of places people used to cross the boarder to Canada.
  • Irish people come to Canada

    Irish people come to Canada
    Irish people migrated to Canada because of the potatoe crop, it was not being able to grow. They came to Canada also becuase of Disease, eviction and death.
  • Grand trunk railway

    Grand trunk railway
    In 1852 when the Grand trunk railway company was created and in 1853 they made their first railroad. This lead to a lot of europeans coming to Canada.
  • Period: to

    Canadian gouverment signs treaty

    In 1871 the Canadian goverment made a treaty with First Nations to reserve land so the First nations will be at peace with Canada. This lead to more First Nations coming to Canada.
  • Canadians encourage immigration

    Canadians encourage immigration
    Canadians promoted Europeans to migrate to Canada so they can make sure Americans couldn't come.
  • Period: to

    Immigrants come for land

    Immigrants came mostly from Great Britain, Europe and east Asia because Canada had a lot of room for land and the cost of wheat was extremly low.
  • Period: to

    Chinese come to Canada

    Chinese come to Canada to work in British Colombia. They all called it "Golden mountain"
  • Immigrants take jobs.

    Immigrants take jobs.
    In 1880 immigrants started to come to Canada and take jobs away from Canadians. this lead to people leaving and finding a new place to live for work.
  • Chinese head tax

    Chinese head tax
    Too many chinese were coming to Canada so the goverment made a "chinese head tax" which ment every new chinese person that came in had to pay 50$. Thta lowerd the rate of chinese immigrants coming in.
  • Women can vote

    Women can vote
    Nellie Mclung makes a play that inspires tons of people! eventually leading to giving woemn a right to vote in Canada