
By hido5
  • 500

    When Athens Was made

    Athens was made at 500 B.C and unknown month or date
  • Period: 500 to May 22, 703

    How long i meant to make this

  • 501

    Part 1-Citizenship

    Only men could be citizens in athens and they must be born in athens and above 18 years old SLAVE,OR WOMEN COULD NOT BE A CITIZEN
  • 502

    Part 2-Citizen Privlages

    citizens above 30 could be in what was called the council of 500 which consisted of 500 citizens above 30 that were selected to be in the council which made laws
  • 503

    Part 3-Assembly Of Athens

    The assembly of athens met on a hill and 6000 citizens must have had made it for the assembly to start all citizens could debate on a law or disscuss an issue in athens
  • May 22, 703

    When I Got Bored

    When I Got Bored