
Atomic Model Timeline

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    Democritus Atomic Model

    Democritus Atomic Model
    There is written evidence that proves that democritus model is the earliest atomic model created. He was an ancient greek philosopher. He believed that everything is made up of atoms. He found out that each atom was distinguished from one another by shape size & the arrangement of parts. He stated that atoms have space in between the heavier atom has more space.
  • Periodic Table

    Periodic Table
    Dmitri Mendeleev created the first publication of a periodic table.
    It display's chemical elements organized by the catogories, atomic numbers, electron configurations, and reoccuring chemical properties.
  • Eugen Goldstein

    Eugen Goldstein
    Eugen Goldstein was the founder of positive charged atoms. He is also the discoverer of anode rays.
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    Hantaro Nagaoka
    He developed an early planetary model of the atom. This was a changing point in history.
  • Electron Cloud Model

    Electron Cloud Model
    The electron cloud model became used to estimate the positions of electrons in an atom.
  • Rutherford Experiment

    Rutherford Experiment
    This was an unexpected experiment that became the exisistance of the atomic nucleus it became the developement of the rutherford or planetary model
  • Neil Bohr Model

    Neil Bohr Model
    The Bohr model was a quantum physics modification of the Rutherford model. This was known to the Rutherford-Bohr model.
    This is a primitive model of the hydrogen atom, it was a obselete scientific theory.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    He was awarded for the discovery of the neutron in physics. In 1932 James discovered an unknown particle in the atomic nucleus.
  • Nucleur Bomb

    Nucleur Bomb
    This is an explosive weapon that becomes a destructive force, from the nucleur reactons. Either fission or an fusion. Both reactions release amounts of energy from small amounts of matter.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton proved that a prism could decompose white light into a spectrum of colors.
  • Isotope

    Isotopes are part of an element , they share the same number of protons. Each isotope has a certain amount of neutrons.
  • Aristotle

    His work became a stepping stone for other scientists and people.