Australia's History

  • The Dutch in Australia

    I could not find the exact date. I could only find the year of this event. The Dutch sailed to Australia but did not settle there. The dutch were attacked by Aborigines and abandoned further exploration.
  • British claim land

    James Cook sailed to Australia, ignored the Aborigines living there, and claimed land for England.
  • American Revolution

    I could not find the day and month but i found the year for this event. The American Revolution forced the British to stop sending prisoners to Georgia.
  • Prisoners in Australia

    The American revolution forced Britain to stop sending prisoners to Georgia. Britain saw that Australia looked like a good place to use as a penal colony so they decided use Australia for just that
  • Taking over the Aborigines

    I could not find the month and day for this event but i found the year for it. Aborigines went through stages of being counquered and taking of their lands. In the 1830s remnants of the Aborigine tribes in the settled areas were moved over to Reserves.
  • Commonwealth

    Commonwealth was established.
  • Immigration Restrict Act

    Restricted migration of people primarily of European descent
  • Canberra National Capital

    Canberra was named the national capital in 1913
  • Australia Act

    i could not find the month and day of this event but i found the year when this evnt happened. Anyways, the act was when all legal ties with Britain were severed.
  • Vote for independence

    I could not find the exact date for this event but i found the year when it occured. In 1999, Australians voted for independence from Britain. 55% of the votes rejected the idea of becoming independent.