Ava Roberts Andrew Johnson

By hhims06
  • Andrew was born on

    Andrew was born on
  • Eliza McCardle Johnson was born on this date.

    Eliza McCardle Johnson was born on this date.
  • President Johnson is from NC and he also moved to Greenville on

    President Johnson is from NC and he also moved to Greenville on
  • He got married on this date.

    He got married on this date.
  • He ran for sente from the 1840s to the 1850s

    He ran for sente from the 1840s to the 1850s
  • one key event before Johnsons presidency was the Civil war which started on

    one key event before Johnsons presidency was the Civil war which started on
  • was when he was elected

    was when he was elected
    He was in office for 4 years.
  • He had no Vice-president because Abrham Lincoln died on this date.

    He had no Vice-president because Abrham Lincoln died on this date.
  • an intresting fact about him was he became the president because Abarham Lincion died on

    an intresting fact about him was he became the president because Abarham Lincion died on
  • Reconstruction was a big part of his presidency. Which started on

    Reconstruction was a big part of his presidency. Which started on
  • opposed the 14 amendment

    opposed the 14 amendment
    Andrew Johnson opposed the 14 amendment.
  • He was president for one term because he started his sevse on April 15, 1865 but ended on

    He was president for one term because he started his sevse on April 15, 1865 but ended on
  • Andrew died on

    Andrew died on