Avery and Hudson's timeline:)

  • First animals in space.

    First animals in space.
    The first animals in space were fruit flies.
  • first orbiting satellite

  • Sputnik

    A Russian satelite was the first human made satelite in the world. The reason Russia did this so they could accutaly beat America in something.
  • Period: to

    Space Travel

  • First person in space

  • First American in space

    First American in space
    Alan Shepard 15 minute flight in space.
  • first person to orbit the Earth

    first person to orbit the Earth
    mercury 6 launched John Glenn 20 pound space suit .He got in the sky at 9:47 a.m.
  • firsty women in space

    firsty women in space
    Valentina Tershkova orbited the Earth 48 times.

    Laikia the dog wouldnt come back after 10 days he ran out of oxygen
  • first monkey in space

    first monkey in space
    Gordo squriel monkey went 600miles high. he died on a splashdown when a device failed.
  • Wernher Von Braun

    Wernher Von Braun
    He launched the Saturn 5 at Kennedy LC39A.
    He had alot of stuff named after him such VBC(VON BRAUN CENTER)
  • apollo missions and the moon landing

    apollo missions and the moon landing
    Apollo 11 had the first moon landing. Apollo 13 had the famous sayin Housten we have a problem