Aztec Civilization

  • 1325

    Making Their Land

    Making Their Land
    "They drained the swampy land, chinampas on which they planted gardens and established foundations of their capital city."
  • 1428

    Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The Aztecs formed a triple alliance with two other groups to defeat their most powerful rivals for control of their region and conquer the capital.
  • 1440

    Father of the Aztec Empire

    Father of the Aztec Empire
    Moctezuma took over.
  • 1519

    Powerful in Mesoamerica

    Powerful in Mesoamerica
    "Tenochititlan had become a city of about 300,000 citizens and the Aztec Empire itself ruled over about 80,00 square miles of territory."
  • 1521

    Fall of the Aztec Empire

    Fall of the Aztec Empire
    Invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés overthrew the Aztec Empire by force and captured Tenochtitlan