
  • birth

    i was born on this day
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    the first day of kindergarden
  • the first teacher

    the first teacher i remeber was Mrs Harden
  • cindy

    the first time i met Mrs Cindy
  • report card

    report card
    the first time i got my report card
  • Meeting New Aides

    The first time I met Mrs Watson, Mrs Vitense, and Mrs Sylvia
  • the fist time i rode a horse

    the fist time i rode a horse
    the first time I rode a horse
  • the first time i went to a rodeo

    the first time i went to a rodeo
    the first time I went to a rodeo
  • my first time at high school

    my first time at high school
  • the first time i got my new puppy

    the first time I got my puppy