Black history Month

  • Period: to

    Civil right movement

  • Rosa Park

    Rosa  Park
    Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was an African-American Civil Rights activist, whom the United States Congress called "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement"
  • JFK

    President John F. Kennedy addresses the nation, defining the civil rights crisis not only as a constitutional and legal issue, but as a moral one as well. He announces that major civil rights legislation will be submitted to the Congress
  • MLK JR

    MLK JR
    Played a big roll in the civil rights movement and is very famous for his i have a dream speech
  • Jackie Robinson is Signed

    Jackie Robinson is Signed
    Jackie became the first afraicn Amercain to play in the MLB.He played with the Brookleyn Dodger
  • Refuses seat in the back

    Refuses   seat   in the back
    Rose park was a african amercain who was working and after work got on a public bus and sat in front . Eeven thougt she wasnt suppose to she refuesed to go to the back of the bus
  • Little rock nine

    Little rock nine
    Formerly all-white Central High School learns that integration is easier said than done. Nine black students are blocked from entering the school on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. President Eisenhower sends federal troops and the National Guard to intervene on behalf of the students, who become known as the "Little Rock Nine."
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    James Meredith becomes the first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi. Violence and riots surrounding the incident cause President Kennedy to send 5,000 federal troops
  • 24 Amdenement broken

    24 Amdenement broken
    The 24th Amendment abolishes the poll tax, which originally had been instituted in 11 southern states after Reconstruction to make it difficult for poor blacks to vote.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil   rights act of 1964
    President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination of all kinds based on race, color, religion, or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation
  • Malcolm X KIlled

    Malcolm X KIlled
    (Harlem, N.Y.) Malcolm X, black nationalist and founder of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, is shot to death. It is believed the assailants are members of the Black Muslim faith, which Malcolm had recently abandoned in favor of orthodox Islam.
  • Montgomery

    Blacks begin a march to Montgomery in support of voting rights but are stopped at the Pettus Bridge by a police blockade. Fifty marchers are hospitalized after police use tear gas, whips, and clubs against them. The incident is dubbed "Bloody Sunday" by the media. The march is considered the catalyst for pushing through the voting rights act five months later.
  • Bernado Acevedo

    Bernado Acevedo
  • Black panthers

    Black panthers
    U.S. African-American militant party, founded (1966) in Oakland, Calif., by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Originally aimed at armed self-defense against the local police, the party grew to espouse violent revolution as the only means of achieving black liberation.
  • Lisa Acevedo

    Lisa Acevedo
  • Civil rights act of 1991

    Civil rights act  of 1991
    After two years of debates, vetoes, and threatened vetoes, President Bush reverses himself and signs the Civil Rights Act of 1991, strengthening existing civil rights laws and providing for damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.
  • Samuel Alvarez

    Samuel Alvarez