Noah Black odyssey Timeline

  • 1200 BCE

    trojan war

    trojan war
    the Trojan horse was controlled at Odysseus command, it was admitted to troy despite warnings, the forces crept out at night and let the rest of the army in. slaughtering the trojans and destroying the city. Analysis odysseus was dedicated to winning this war despite the trials and tribulations he faced.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus eaters

    Lotus eaters
    While walking on the island the men discover the Lotus Eaters and find that they are a peaceful people they do nothing except eat the lotus plant. Odysseus men eat the flowering plant and are immediately changed. Analysis: Anyone who eats this sweet plant becomes forgetful of their purpose which in this case the men ate it so they forgot about their home and their purpose.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Anyalsis

    Sirens Anyalsis
    So after Odysseus' ship passes by the sirens fling themselves into the sea and are drowned. This suggests that this dramatic encounter If you listen carefully you can hear the wind song becoming more faint the rocking of the ship, Odysseus' screams, and finally the sirens plunging to their death.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Once they have passed the Sirens' island Odysseus and his men must navigate between Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is a six-headed monster who when ships pass swallows one sailor for each head. Charybdis is an enormous whirlpool that threatens to swallow the entire ship.
  • 1200 BCE

    scylla and charybdis Anyalsis

    scylla and charybdis Anyalsis
    Odysseus faced both Charybdis and Scylla while rowing through a narrow channel. He ordered his men to avoid Charybdis forcing them to pass near Scylla. Which resulted in the deaths of six of his men. Later stranded on a raft Odysseus was swept back through the strait and passed near Charybdis.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/Home Anyalsis

    Suitors/Home Anyalsis
    Odysseus had to leave his home to fight the war in Troy. They had been fighting the war for years and then Odysseus came up with a plan. He built a wooden horse. He had some of his men take their ships away from shore so the Trojans could not see them.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men entered the cave, where they helped themselves to the food and drink they found there and fell asleep. After a while a Cyclops whose name was Polyphemus returned to the cave. Analysis : my analysis of book 9 is that odysseus was trying to get supplies and feed his men and get rest but he did not realize that the Cyclops would come back so soon and he had to figure out something quick or him and his men would be eaten or worse.
  • 1200 BCE

    Bag of Winds

    Bag of Winds
    The Achaeans sail from the land of the Cyclopes to the home of Aeolus ruler of the winds. Aeolus presents Odysseus with a bag of winds, and he creates a huge wind to guide Odysseus and his crew home. The winds escape and stirs up a storm that brings Odysseus and his men back to Aeolia. Analysis : Aeolus presents odysseus with a bag of winds he stirs up a wind that sends his crewmates home. But within a couple of days they think that odyssey's was given gold so they ripped the bag of winds open.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus visits her island of Aeaea on the way back from the Trojan War and she changes most of his crew into swine. He manages to persuade her to return them to human shape lives with her for a year and has sons by her including Latinus and Telegonus. Anyalsis : so my analysis is that Odysseus had to be with circe for one year and have kids with her to bring his men back. In that period of time his mother began to miss him so much that she died and he didn't know until later.
  • 1200 BCE


    Sirens were creatures from Greek mythology which doomed sailors to their destruction with their beautiful singing. Their most famous appearance is in Homer's Odyssey where the hero Odysseus on his long voyage home following the Trojan War successfully escapes their enchanting call.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    One day Odysseus fell asleep, and Eurylochus convinced the men to eat the Cattle of the Sun it's better to die at sea from the wrath of the gods he said than to die of hunger. The sun god Helios angrily asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus's crew for killing his cattle and Zeus listened.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios cattle analysis

    Helios cattle analysis
    When Odysseus goes up the island to pray to the gods and ask for help Eurylochus convinces the crew to kill off the cattle of Helios and sacrifice them to the gods. Helios became very angry and asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus crew for killing his cattle.
  • 1200 BCE


    During Odysseus long absence unmarried young men start to suspect that Odysseus died in Troy or on the journey home. Under the idea of assisting Penelope these youths called the suitors take up residence in Odysseus home and ask for her hand in marriage.