
Black Panthers

  • Ten point program

    Ten point program
    A direction on which Huey Newton and Bobby Seale it established a direction for the group and goals for the black panthers.
    1)Full Employment- meaning equal opportunity
    2)Freedom- the power to determine their own destiny
    3) Housing- meaning shelter that is fit for humans
    4)Education- meaning history that teaches everything thing in american history and doesn’t cross things out
    5)Military Exemption- Meaning don’t go over to fight a war for someone else when the land was stolen from the native
  • Huey P. Newton

    Huey P. Newton
    Co founder of Black Panther party. Founded in 1966 along with Bobby Seale.
    The group was formed to stop the public abuse and police brutality against Black people.
    In Highschool he wasn’t the best student, After high school he decided to go to college and there he met Bobby Seale.
    He was killed in an altercation with a “drug pusher” who wanted to keep his area panther free.
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    Black Panthers

  • First black panthers headquarters

    First black panthers headquarters
    The Black Panther Party establishes its first headquarters—a storefront on Grove Street in Oakland, Ca.
  • Huey P. Newton arrested

    Huey P. Newton arrested
    Sentenced to two to 15 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter of an Oakland, CA, police officer, 1967; released on appeal
  • Bobby Hutton murdered

    Bobby Hutton murdered
    Bobby Hutton, the BPP’s first recruit as well as the organization’s national treasurer is wronfully murdered by Oakland law enforcement officials.
  • Huey Newton Manslaughter Trial

    Huey Newton Manslaughter Trial
    Guilty of voluntary manslaughter; not guilty of felonious assault; kidnapping charge dismissed. He was sentenced for 2-15 years.
  • Nationwide children’s breakfast program

    Nationwide children’s breakfast program
    This program provided high-level education to 150 children from impoverished urban neighborhoods. Inspired by contemporary research about the essential role of breakfast for optimal schooling, the Panthers would also cook and serve food to the poor inner city youth of the area
  • Free health programs

    Free health programs
    To Black Panther Embassies, You have received copies of February 13, 1971 issue of The Black Panther declaring [three BPP members] as enemies of the People. The Supreme Servant of the People, Huey P. Newton, with concurrence of the Central Committee of the Black Panther Party, has ordered the expulsion of the entire Intercommunal Section of the Party at Algiers. You are advised that Eldridge Leroy Cleaver is a murderer and a punk without genitals. D.C. Cox is no better.
  • Black Panthers program broken up by the F.B.I.

    Black Panthers program broken up by the F.B.I.
    The F.B.I. sent a letter to the Black Panther organization saying: To Black Panther Embassies, You have received copies of February 13, 1971 issue of The Black Panther declaring [three BPP members] as enemies of the People. The Supreme Servant of the People, Huey P. Newton, with concurrence of the Central Committee of the Black Panther Party, has ordered the expulsion of the entire Intercommunal Section of the Party at Algiers.
  • Michael Brown murdered

    Michael Brown murdered
    Michael Brown an african american kid was wrongully murdered by a cop
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    Police shootings

    Michael Brown and Jamar Clark were wrongfully shot and killed by the police because of their skin color
  • Jamar Clark murdered by cops

    Jamar Clark murdered by cops
    Jamar Clark shot and killed by a Minnesota cop and the cop was found not guilty becaue of dna evidence of Jamar Clark on the cop's weapon.