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blacks civil rights movment

  • montgomery bus boycott

    Rosa parks was riding the bus. When a white man told her to get up. She said NO. She got arrested. The other blacks thought that was unfair so they stopped riding the bus. That made the city lose a lot of money.
  • Little Rock Nine

    The little rock nine were the first black kids to go to collage.
  • Sit Ins

    The blacks would sit at the white counter and order food. If they here served they would leave. If they were not served they would sit there till they closed. They often got beat up and threatened. Feb. 2, 1960 - July 25, 1960
  • Freedom Rides

    When they were not riding the bus some white people would give them rides in there car if they had them. Some taxis would not make them pay so much for a ride.
  • March On Washington

    they went to the lincoln memorial to get jobs and freedom. It is also where martin luther king jr. gave his speech.