• Period: 300 to Sep 22, 1500


  • 324

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
    Since constantine having restlred the unity of the empire, thinking that rome was a bad capital and it was too far away. He decided to build constinople which was built over a 6 year span and was finished in may 330. He built it in the thiught "this is where an emperor should sit, readily defended, with easy access to the fromtiers."
  • 360

    Hagia sophia

    Hagia sophia
    Hagia sophia was built right next to the imperial palace which was one of the two churches being used as one of the two main churches of the byzantine empire at the time before the great church was constucted later on.
  • 530

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns
    General belisarius' military events began mostly in 530 when he was appointed general of the east and for the remainder if his kife he was a general and a fighter. In 533 he beat the vandals in libya. In 536 he invaded italy and captured napels and rome. In 537 the goths took it but in 547 he took rome back. And in 549 he returned to constinople and was made head of the imperial bodyguard. And he died in 565.
  • 532

    Nika riots

    Nika riots
    In 532 in Byzantine at the hipperdome which was used for chariot races. And each team had a different color and emporer justinian would cheer green. The crowd the first day of these riots showed up and already begam shouting insults at justinian and by the end of that day hated him. for the next five days the palace was under siege,the senates saw this as an oppertunity to overthrow Justinian. Justinian in respose went in to the hipeprdome and persuaded the blues to leave and killed the greens.
  • Sep 24, 634

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
    It started in the year 634. And it is the islamic conquests in to byzantine empire. The areas where this first started were egypt, north africa, syria, and armenia. Continuous presence of the islamic led to do different sieges of constinople one in 674-678, and the other in 717-718. But in 739 at the battle of akroinon the islamics were defeated using greek fire.
  • Sep 24, 1054

    The great schism

    The great schism
    The East West schism between the eastern church and the western church in 1054. The western schism, a split within the roman catholic church that lasted from 1378 to 1417. In both of these disputes it was between two major religions and they disagreed and split. Which lead to hate and many ex xommunications.
  • Sep 22, 1095

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help in Middle East

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help in Middle East
    In 1095 emoprer alexios the first contacted pope urban the second to help him. It started as a widespread religious jourmey in western christendom and ended as a military expedition by roman catholic europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests, resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099. It was also called the first crusade
  • Oct 22, 1202

    Fourth crusade

    Fourth crusade
    The fouth crusade was a western europe expedition intened to conquer mulslim controlled jerusalem by invading through egypt. But while going to jerusalem in 1203 the majority of the crusade had come to an agreement with the byzantine price to go to constanople the capital and restore his father as emporer. A few months later they put alexios angelos on the thone as co emporer byt after the crusaders stopped recieving payments he was taken off and murdered jn 1204
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    In 1453 the ottoman emoire invaded byzantine. It was a seven week ing siege and then byzantine was captured by the ottomans. This officially marked the end of the roman empire
  • Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    From 970 until 1018 a series of conflicts between the bulgarian empire and the byzantine empire led to the conquest of bulgaria by the byzantines. The conflicts were lead by emporer basil the second, and a 30,000 man army they marched into bulgaria only to conquer it and took control of the entire bulkan peninsula.