
Byzantine Empire

By rquist
  • 330

    A New Rome

    A New Rome
    Roman emperor Constantinople I begins to build a "New Rome" by rebuilding the Greek city of Byzantium, and so begins the Byzantine Empire. He renames the city Constantinople and it becomes the new capital of this empire.
  • 532

    Nika Riots

    Nika Riots
    There were chariot races held at the Hippodrome and there were two major teams, the Blues and the Greens. Emperor Justinian refused to show support to either team. This caused several violent riots to break out. Justinian was going to excecute the ringleaders of the riots, but failed. At the next chariot race, the supporters of these men begged Justinian to pardon them, but he refused. The riots grew out of control and set a substantial portion of the city on fire, including the Hagia Sophia.
  • 532

    A New Hagia Sophia

    A New Hagia Sophia
    After the old Hagia Sophia was destroyed by the riots, Emperor Justinian was determined to build the most magnificent church imagininable. It was constructed in a surprisingly fast six years, but with a few archetectural errors that casued the domed roof to collapse. A new roof was constructed, which still stands to the present day.
  • 533

    General Belisarius

    General Belisarius
    Belisarius gained Emperor Justinian's trust when he helped with the Nika Riots. After this, Belisarius became the Emperor's main military guy, and he began seizing many territores, such as Italy, Naples, Rome, and Mesopotamia. Although he was terribly loyal to Justinian, the emperor treated him badly, and was even rumored to have blinded him and had him beg on the streets in his old age.
  • May 1, 634

    Islamic Forces in Byzantine

    Islamic Forces in Byzantine
    Starting in 634, Islamic forces began to fight against the Byzantine Empire by storming Syria. By the end of the century, Byzantine had lost Syria, the Holy Land, Egypt, and North Africa to Islamic forces.
  • Jun 1, 730

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Starting with Leo III, Byzantinium emperors began to declare that the portrayal of religious objects or pictures was against proper Biblical beliefs, causing a lot of strife between people arguing whether or not religious idols should be allowed in homes. It finally ended in 843 when Michael III ruled in favor of them.
  • Aug 1, 1095

    Emperor Alexius I turns to Pope Urban II for help

    Emperor Alexius I turns to Pope Urban II for help
    Emperor Alexius I turns to Pope Urban II for military help, resulting in declaration of "holy war" and the First Crusade. Alexius and his army eventually retreated, and the Crusaders accused him of betrraying them.
  • Sep 1, 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    The Fourth Crusade
    Alexius IV had been kicked out of his own city by his people and wanted to take Constantinople back, so he enlisted the help of the Crusaders. They helped put him back on the throne, but asked him for money. Alexuis tried to get the money by taxing the people heavily, which resulted in the people hating him and his father so much that they were both assasinated. The Crusaders were angry about not getting their money, so they sacked Constantinople and began the fall of the great city.
  • Oct 1, 1453

    The Fall of the Byzantine Empire

    The Fall of the Byzantine Empire
    Mehmed II, a Turkish sultan, stormed Constantinople while Constantine XI was emperor, killing Constantine and effectively ending the Byzantine era.
  • Basil II and Bulgaria

    Basil II and Bulgaria
    Over many years, Basil helped the Byzantines take over Bulgaria. Once he took out the capital city, Ochrida, he blinded all of the men, leaving only one eye every 100 men so they could be led back to the tsar, who died of shock after seeing this horrible spectacle.