

  • Pascaline

    Blaise Pascal started to develop a mechanical calculator - the Pascaline. Capable of addition, subtraction was performed by nines-complement addition, and multiplication was performed by repeated additions and subtractions. It had shortcomings and failed to sell.
  • Stepped Reckoner

    Stepped Reckoner
    Gottfried Leibniz developed the Stepped Reckoner using stepped gear wheels. Performed the 4 functions, but worked off and on due to an error in the carry mechanism, none sold. Like the Pascaline, this type of calculator had the same materials and purpose but used diffrent functions.
  • Scheutz Difference Engine

    Scheutz Difference Engine
    The Scheutz Difference Engine completed: the world's first printing calculator. This calculator was the same as the other calculators, but this one could print out the equation and answer.
  • Hewlet-Packard HP35

    Hewlet-Packard HP35
    First scientific pocket calculator introduced. Even all the way back to the renaissance, this calculator had the same materials and functions.