Carl Jung

  • Jung is born in Kesswil, Switzerland

    Jung is born in Kesswil, Switzerland
  • Carl Jung graduates from the University of Basel and is appointed at the Burgholzli Psychiatric Hospital

    Carl Jung graduates from the University of Basel and is appointed at the Burgholzli Psychiatric Hospital
  • Jung meets Sigmund Freud and wrote The Psychology of Dementia Praecox

    Jung meets Sigmund Freud and wrote The Psychology of Dementia Praecox
  • Jung Begins privately practicing psychoanalysis

    Jung Begins privately practicing psychoanalysis
  • Jung Elected president of the "International Psychoanalytic Society"

    Jung Elected president of the "International Psychoanalytic Society"
  • Jung Publication of "Psychology of the Unconscious"

    Jung Publication of "Psychology of the Unconscious"
  • Jung disagrees with Freud

    Jung disagrees with Freud
  • First use of the term archetype

    First use of the term archetype
  • Publication of "Psychological Types"

    Publication of "Psychological Types"
  • Dies in Küsnacht, Switzerland

    Dies in Küsnacht, Switzerland
  • The Red Book is finally published containing Carl Jung’s manuscripts

    The Red Book is finally published containing Carl Jung’s manuscripts