Causes of the Civil War

  • uncle toms cabin

    uncle toms cabin
    Uncle toms cabin made people see a new side to slavery. northerners realized how bad slavery really was. when slave owners found out about this they became very angry because they didnt see anything wrong with this. which created a big conflict between the north and south.
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  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    since the goverment mandated popular sovereignty. 1854 the government was getting votes on if Kansas wanted to be a free state or a slave state so many people and their family's began moving their as more people were haring what they wanted the other people (gangs) would kill people if they didn't agree with
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  • dred scott case

    dred scott case
    the dred scott case was a court case of a old slave that had moved to a free state with his family. he went to court to be free.the turned him down because the supreme court was on the slave owner side. there for dred lost but this started another
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  • Lincoln’s Election of 1860

    Lincoln’s Election of 1860
    Lincoln was election 16th president of the united states. From a strict democrat republic. Lincoln was a republican. Many people voted for him because of the anti-slavery many othesr didnt feel he was being far(south).