Causes of the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Who: Henery Clay
    When: 1820
    Where: Misouri and Maine
    What: The Missouri compromise addmited Maine as a free state and Misouri as a slave state. Aswell as this, any land aquired in the Louisiana purchace north of 30 degrees and 30' N latitude would be free. This lasted almost 30 years before it was repealed.
    Why: This compromise had to be put in place because Missouri applied as a free state.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Who: David Wilmot
    When: 1846
    What: The Wilmot Proviso was an additon to the $2,000,000 request for funds by president James K. Polk. These funds were requested to negotiate a treaty with Mexico. This proviso was attached to prevent the introduction of slavery into any new teritory from the war. This bill was never passed in the Senate or House of Represenitives dispite the efforts of Northern politions.
    Why: The Wilmot Proviso was segested in order to make a compromise with Mexico.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Who: Henery Clay
    When: 1850
    Where: Southern states
    What: The Fugitive Slave Act gave the outline for penalties against people who harbored run away slaves. This is very likely to have delayed southern sucession by a decade.
    Why: The Fugitive Slave Act was passed to apease many of the southern slave state's complaints.
  • Compromise of 1850 cont.

    Compromise of 1850 cont.
    Why: The compromise of 1850 was established because slavery in new teritories had become a very large problem.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Who: Henery Clay
    When: 1850
    Where: California, New Mexico, Texas, Utah
    What: The Compromise of 1850 was mainly about the issue of slavery. The issue of slavery had quickly become a crisis. To try and maintain a balance free and slave states, Henery Clay offered a compromise. This compromise made California a free state, New Mexico and Utah left slavery to popular soverginty, settled border disputes between Texas and New Mexico, and prohibited slave trade in the District of Colombia.
  • Kansas Nabraska Act

    Kansas Nabraska Act
    Who: Stephen A. Douglas
    When: 1854
    Where: Kansas, Nabraska
    What: This act divided the Kansas/Nebraska teritory into two diffrent states. The north area was known as Nebraska and the south was Kansas. These two states were able to leave the decision of whether or not to be free or slave states up to popular soverginty.
    Why: This act was passed so that the remaining territories from the louisiana purchace could be admited as states.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Who: Pro/anti slavery advocates
    When: 1854
    Where: Kansas
    What: Bleeding Kansas is the large period of violence and bloodshed in Kansas between pro and anti slavery advocates.
    Why: Bleeding Kansas came to be because of the high diffrences in openions on slavery.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Who: Dred Scott
    When: 1857
    Where: Illinois
    What: Dred Scott was living in Illinois which was a free state as a slave. He then tried to go through court to win his freedom through the law but it was decided that because he was "proporty" and not a citizen, he did not have the legal right to do this. This increased tensions between the north and south/pro and anti slavery people.
    Why: This was a very contiversial court case because of the fact that even though it was a free state he was enslaved
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    Who: Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas
    When: 1858
    Where: Illinois
    What: The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas to try and support their political parties.
    Why: These debates were to support their individual political parties so that they had higher chances of getting political places.