Causes of the Civil War

  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    The 3/5 Compromise was added to the Constitution to determine representation in the House of Representatives, slaves equaled 3/5th of a person. This shows sectionalism over slavery and the concern of which side has power in the government.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri was added into the United States as a slave state as they wanted. However, the rest of the Louisianna territory above the 36"30' Missouri Line would be free. The states below the line would be slave states. This Compromise sectioned off the North and South, creating tensions because of their different views.
  • Publification of the Liberator

    Publification of the Liberator
    The Liberator was an AntiSlavery Newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison. This was an influencial newspaper in the Abolitionist Movement. It made people realize what slavery was and to start a revolt against slavery, causing dispute between those who wanted slavery and thoses who did not.
  • End of the Manifest Destiny

    End of the Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was a collection of new additions of land to the United States, The overwhelming addition, created the dispute whether to make the land free or slave states. The nation was finding it hard not to upset the balance between free and slave states.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    There was a vast addition of western land due to the victory in the Mexican War. These lands that were added were to solve the issue of their slave or free identity, except Washington. In Washington, the District of Columbia was banned of slave trade, yet slavery still existed. The different views on slavery would tear the local cities apart into deciding whether they were free or slave. Violent differences grew.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This stated any federal marshal or other officers were required to capture runaway slaves in any state, slave or free. The Fugitive Slave Act made it seem like the nation was on the side of the slave states, angering the free states. The free states began to get angry come together and dislike the slave states.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Unorganized land was divided into the Nebraska and Kansas territory. The option of slavery in these territories was decided by popular sovereignty among the people in those two states. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and started violent differences between the Kansas and Nebraska citizens. It divided the states violently.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave that was taken to a free state, therefore, he put his slaveowner on trial. The Supreme Court deemed slaves as property and they were allowed to be taken anywherre. Anti-slavery groups were outraged and began revolting and there was a national uproar due to the event. The North was outraged, yet the South overjoyed.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    With no votes from southern votes, Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 and was the president of the US. This outraged the South because of his opposing views on slavery. This was almost the last straw for the Southerners.
  • Secession of the Southern States

    Secession of the Southern States
    The Southern states were all seceded from the US by this date. This was the ultimate separation between the two sides of the nation. There was the Union and the Confederates, or the Southern States.