Causes of the Texas Revolution

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  • Constitution 1824

    Constitution 1824
    Erasmo Segiun was a representative that wrote the constitution in 1824. It was wrote in Mexico to ensure peoples freedoms. They wrote it to make freedoms for the country.
  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Fredonian Rebellion
    Haden Edwards received his land grant on April 14,
    1825 but then got it taken away, that allowed him to settle as many as 800 families in
    and around Nacogdoches in eastern Texas. Edwards forced settlers in Texas who could not prove worthiness, both Anglo and native Mexicans, to move away or they would pay him a fine. He did this to get more money for himself. He did this by letting people settle and get money.
  • Meir y Teran Report

    Meir Teran was a explorer to find land for the Mexican government and settle land. He explored this land in Texas in 1827 one foot and reported that Indians lived there and the natural resources.
  • Guerrero Decree

    Guerrero Decree
    The Guerrero Decree abolished slavery throughout the Republic of Mexico. Guerrero Decree in 1829 was supposed to stop slavery in Texas because they thought slavery was wrong. They did this by having the government tell everyone.
  • Law of April 6

    Law of April 6
    This law was passed to stop heavy immigration in Texas. Their population was heavily flooding and they wanted to stop it by taxing the residents.
  • Conflict at Anahuac

    Conflict at Anahuac
    A Mexican Governor went into an empresarios land and told him to give up his land in Texas and he refused so he was arrested and that was against the constitution.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions
    The Mexican army had learned that Angles were fighting back at the Mexican government harshly because they didn't like the rule they were under.
  • Battle at Velasco

    Battle at Velasco
    A battle between Texas and Mexico. The Texans wanted independent country which included their own rules. They used cannons and other weapons to fight each other.
  • convention of 1832

    convention of 1832
    They elected San Felipe de Austin for president he would help schools and land tax in Texas. He would control immigration by doing this he had the government tell the people.
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    April 1, the day Santa Anna took control of Mexico. The meeting was held for the Texans who petitioned against the Laws of April 6. Stephen Austin was in charge of presenting the petitions to the government. The Texans wanted their rights.
  • Stephen F. Austin Goes to Mexico City

    Stephen F. Austin Goes to Mexico City
    The Convention of 1833 elected Austin to give the petitions to Mexico City and argue for their approval. After arriving in Mexico City in July, he persuaded the government to repeal the Law of
    April 6, 1830. Texans wanted a reform of local government.
  • The Consultation

    The Consultation
    The consultation was a debate between the opposing factions that
    wanted to continue a diplomatic relations with Mexico. Stephen F. Austin was on the side that wanted to declare independence on Mexico immediately. The Consultation was held in San Felipe. Texans were tired of being under Mexican rule.