Iwo jima

Causes of World War II

By roacha
  • Period: to

    Causes of WWII

  • Anti-Communism

    When you live in a communist state everything is run by teh government. It is very much like Facism in the fact that it controls what you do and the media. Most people didn't agree with it and it just kept getting worse.
  • Militarism

    This is basically when a country glorifies war just to strengthen its military and build up supplies. When this happens they even rally their youth. Germany was known for brainwashing their citizens into believing what they were telling them, ecspecially about war.
  • Nationalism

    This is basically an overbearing version of patriotism. If you are a nationalist you believe that your country is greater than all others, no matter what. This can cause a major rift between countries. Most communist or facist leaders pushed this in the years leading up to WWII.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    The treaty was a punishment for Germany after World War I. It was used to fix issues such as territorial adjustments and war reparations. Germany had to pay millions to repair the damage done to France and Britain. Italy was angry cause they couldn't get the land they wanted.
  • Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party

    Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
  • Rise of Italian Facism

    Rise of Italian Facism
    Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy during the 1920s. He helped to found the ideal of facism. This is what is called a Tolitarian government. Everything that you do and recieve from the media, is monitored.They also feed you propaganda.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was started by many different things. The main cause was the stock market crash, caused by the overspending and partying in the 1920s. The country went into poverty, and it didn't help any that we had a God-awful president.
  • U.S. Isolationism

    U.S. Isolationism
    The U.S. didn't want to be a part of the impending war happening around us. We believed that we had problems of our own that needed to be fixed. We were, after all, trying to get out of the Great Depression at this time. We kept it up until we were attacked on our own soil in Pearl Harbor.
  • Japanese Expansionism

    Japanese Expansionism
    Japan wanted to expand their borders and needed supplies. They ended up taking Manchuria to take the raw materials. Japan also began to attack China also with a war that lasted until 1937. They also started a war with the Soviet Union.
  • Appeasement

    This is when you give your enemy what they want just so that there is no other conflict. This happened when Hitler tried to force Czechoslovakia out of some land. He said that Germans were being mistreated there. Britain and France agreed to it because they didn't want a war in Europe.
  • WWII Began

    WWII Began
    This was the day that everyone went to fight. The world was torn apart for different reasons. To sides formed with the plan of taking out the other.