Causes of WWII

  • Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party

    Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
    Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. His father beat him at a young age. His mother always tried to save him. He became a Chacellor on Janurary 30, 1933. He had many follower that belived that Jews were a threat to society. He had them believe that they were the cuase for lost wars and money.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaites at the end of WWI. This treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The treaty was signed five years later after Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This treaty punished Germany, Germany was forced to take the blame.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was one of the most horrible things that happened during the 20's. People got introduced to credit. They started buying stuff on credit. Credit is kind of like a loan. Whatever you buyy on it, you have to pay back. Even poor people were spending on credit. People were over all spending money that they really didn't have. This caused the stock market to crash. People couldn't afford to pay back the money they were spending. People began to lose jobs. Everything was a mess.
  • The Rise of Fascism in Italy

    The Rise of Fascism in Italy
    This party believed in one leader and one party. They believed everyone was controlled by government. They did not protest. They believed in propaganda.
  • Militarism

    Militarism was a belief that the governent or people that a countrty should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
  • Appeasement

    This was an act were people were demanded to take orders from Hitlere. HItler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede Sudetenland to Germany. He said that the people that were living there were being mistreated. The british and french agreed to this demand. They hope that it wouldn't lead to war.
  • U.S. isolationism

    U.S. isolationism
    This was the failure of peace. This was during the great depression to make things worse. They were more concerned with there own problems. Conflict in Europe seemed distant, and the U.S. tried to remain neutral. This policy weakened the European democracies.
  • Japanese expansionism

    Japanese expansionism
    During this time, Japen signed the Tripartite Pact with the Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. During 1931 Japan invaded Manchuna for raw materials. Japan also began to attack China. During 1938, war broke out with Japan and the Soviet Union.
  • Anti-communism

    All productions were controlled by the Government. During this time most people chose fascism over communism. Hitler exploited peoples fear of communist to take over Germany so that they could rise power.
  • Nationalism

    They believed in one nation over all. This could cause conflict with other nations. This led up to WWII