By Jabs123
  • CBC was founded

    CBC was founded but did not start off named CBC as it was named CRBC which meant Canadian Radio Broadcasting Corporation
  • CBC Split

    the CBC split its English-language radio network into two services known as the Trans-Canada Network and the Dominion Network.
  • Television

    Television broadcasts from the CBC began on September 6, 1952,
  • Logo

    In 1958, the CBC adopted a new logo for use at the end of network programs.
  • Coast to Coast

    On July 1, 1958, CBC's television signal was extended from coast to coast.
  • CBC came back together

    the CBC came back together to make a bigger company the it was before
  • CBC shot in colour

    The first Canadian television show shot in colour was the CBC's own The Forest Rangers in 1963
  • Limited Television to Northern Communities

    Starting in 1967, the CBC provided limited television service to remote and northern communities
  • More Television to Northern Communities

    The CBC provided more television service to remote Northern Communities
  • Television Programs

    Television programs originating in the north without the help of the south began with one half-hour per week in 1980