
technology since the 1980's

  • 2017 BCE

    VIC-20 home computer

    VIC-20 home computer
    VIC home computer was invented by Jack Tramiel and its purpose was to enable users to exchange information.
  • 2017 BCE

    Floppy Drive

    Floppy Drive
    Sony introduces the first 3 ½-inch floppy drives and diskettes in 1981.
  • 1995 BCE

    The GPS

    The GPS
    the GPS was invented to help guide the way instead of using a map.
  • 1986 BCE

    Promotional shot of the Compaq Deskpro 386s,

    Promotional shot of the Compaq Deskpro 386s,
    Compaq introduces the Deskpro 386 system. Gave PCs as much speed and power as older mainframes and minicomputers.
  • 1983 BCE

    Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    Apple introduces the Lisa computer. Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle
    Space Shuttle to Columbia!
  • CD's

    The CD was invented in 1982
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    The first Cell phone invention!!!
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    The Microsoft Windows was invented!!
  • Disposable Camera

    Disposable Camera
    I remember my mom having some!
  • Gameboy

    I remember having one when I was a kid.
  • xbox

    The xbox was invented and everyone is now obsessed.