CHA3U1 exam review 2012-key terms

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    salutory neglect

    From founding of first colony british policy of non-interferance because too difficult to control from 3000 miles away
  • Mercantilism

    -imperialistic economic policy
    -colonies important to provide raw materiels for empire and a market for finished goods
  • proclamation of 1763

    -british proclamation prohibiting settlment west of the appalatians
    -created following rebellion of chief pontiac
    -settlers protested that they had right to land (especially land speculators)
  • stamp act

    -first direct tax
    -stamp on many common day objects
  • Townshend act

    -duties on tea, paper, glass and paint
    -repealed in 1770 except for tea
  • Patriot

    Supporter of United States independance in the Revolutionary war
  • federalist

    someone insupport of the newly written constitution that gives strong power to the federal gov't, contrary to ideals of jefferson
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    movement to abolish slavery abolitionist=someone supporting abolishment of slavery
  • sharecroppers and tenant farmers

    post civil war workers sharecroppers: would live on the land and work it in return for a share of the produce Tenant farmers: would rent land to farm from land owner and buy materiels, tools and seed from him
    -huge interest rates often resulted in indentured servitude similar to slavery
  • 13th amendment

    abolishes slavery
  • 14th amendment

    gives african americans full rights as citizens
  • carpetbaggers

    white northerners who came south during reconstruction and took control of land and gov't
  • 15th amendment

    right to vote for all
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    yellow journalism

    Journalism focusing on sensationalistic stories with little factual evidence that sells lots of papers. Biggest rivalry was between pullitzer and hearst. Helped promote things like spanish american war but did aide social issues by making them public.
  • USS Maine

    sunk in havana harbour cuba and triggered spanish/american war
  • doughboys

    nickname for the american soldiers entering ww1
  • 18th amendment

    establishes prohibition of alcohol
  • 19th amendment

    women's suffrage
  • kamikaze

    last desperate defense by japan as amo running low, used manned aircrafts as suicide missiles attacking american ships
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    Black Nationalism

    Malcolm X and elijah mohammed felt blacks needed nation of islam seperate from whites in order to prosper. Mostly in north and contrary to non-violence of King. Ended in Malcolm X's denouncement of Ilijah mohammed and his murder.
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    Non-Violent resistance

    The movement of non-violent protest led by Martin Luther King Jr. and The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which he led as well as the National Asociation for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, later became prominent in Black Power movement). Events such as the march on washington where critical in gaining support for black rights.
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    Black Power

    Move towards more forceful push for black rights away from the former non-violence of king, started by peopl like Malcolm X and continued by groups like the blcack panthers.