
Challenges to Canadian Unity

  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    Leader of Union Nationale and Premier of Quebec., a strong nationalist who believed that Quebec was its own nation.Bribery and corruption were trademarks of Duplessis.
    The Great Depression is very much the time lapse of when Maurice Deplessis had been in office from 1944-1959.
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    Maurice Duplessis and the Great Darkness

    Leader of Union Nationale and Premier of Quebec., a strong nationalist who believed that Quebec was its own nation.Bribery and corruption were trademarks of Duplessis. The Great Depression is very much the time lapse of when Maurice Deplessis had been in office from 1944-1959.
  • Ban of the Potlatch repealed

    Ban of the Potlatch repealed
    The practice of the potlatch was forbidden from 1885 up til 1951, the bill was passed by the government in 1951
  • Aboriginals gain voting rights

    Aboriginals gain voting rights
    Aboriginal people living on reserves got the right to vote in 1960.
  • Jean Lesage

    Jean Lesage
    After Duplessis’ death in 1960, Jean Lesage came into power,
    a part of the liberals, he and his party had made several changes. This was known as the Quiet Revolution. Lesage had ruled out corruption, wages/pensions were rased and restrictions on trade unions were removed. They also modernized the province's economy, politics and culture and so forth.
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    Jean Lesage and the Quiet Revolution

  • Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission formed

    Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission formed
    Lester Pearson was prime minister in the midst of the Quiet Revolution, he appointed the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism to investigate solutions for the French's discontent. The commission recommended that Canada become officially bilingual.
  • Canada’s New Flag unveiled

    Canada’s New Flag unveiled
    Francophones complained about the domincance of British Symbols, so Pearson suggested Canada to make a new flag so they chose the maple leaf. Canadians resented a new flag because they thought Pearson was simply making the francophones happy. On February 15th, 1965, Canada's new flag was raised for the first time.
  • National Indian Brotherhood formed

    National Indian Brotherhood formed
    Formed in the 1960s to lobby on behalf of the Aboriginal people iving on reserves.
  • Government of Canada White Paper proposes

    Government of Canada White Paper proposes
    Trudeau's government proposed a policy otlilned in the White Paper of 1969, A codument put forth for discussion that could be passed into the law. Trudeau and Chretien,thought that abolising any special rights that the Indians had (such as not paying taxes), would solve the problem. This would allow Aboriginals to intergrate into mainstream society.
  • Official Language’s Act passed in Canada

    Official Language’s Act passed in Canada
    As trueau replaced Peason in 1968, he paseed the Official Languages Act, which made Canada a bilingual country. Many embraced the declaration, but Westerners felt French was being forced on them.
  • Residential School system abandoned

    Residential School system abandoned
    The system of residential schools was abandoned in 1969, Aboriginals created their own schools, teaching their own languages and cultures. As par of a government run "boarding home program", some high school students were sent to live with families and attend schools in cities such as Vancouver. The loneliness drove some home before graduation, many students were abused at the schools. The government apologized in 1998 and announced a $350 healing fund.
  • Aboriginal Red Paper or Citizen Plus – rebuttal to White Paper

    Aboriginal Red Paper or Citizen Plus – rebuttal to White Paper
    Because Treudeau and Chretien thought that taking away special rights that is "not paying taxes" and such, this would solve the problem. The Aboriginals were furious and demanded self government, control over their own affairs. They presented their own paper: Citizens Plus AKA The Red paper
  • Kidnapping of James Cross (FLQ)

    Kidnapping of James Cross (FLQ)
    Members of the FLQ Kidnapped James Cross, british diplomat from his home in Montreal. In exchange for his releease, FLQ demanded the release of FLQ members in prison, the government however refused.
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    The October Crisis

    Front de la Liberation du Quebec is a terrorist group who fought for a free Quebec. They used firebobs and explosives to attack symbols of English power. Most Quebec nationalists disagreed with such tactics. Most of the members were young radicals whom believed to fight in the name of a free Quebec
  • Kidnapping of Pierre Laporte (FLQ)

    Kidnapping of Pierre Laporte (FLQ)
    The FLQ kidnapped Quebec labour minister Pierre Laporte, Trudeau, needing to take action, asked Parliament to impose te War Measures Act, which suspended civil rights and had only been used during the first two world wars. This meant that anone could be arrested without being charged for an offense; being part of the FLQ was then a crime
  • Bill 101 Passed

    Bill 101 Passed
    As the Parti Quebecois took power in 1976, Leader Rene Levesque promised to held a referendum regarding independence. Bill 101, known as the "Charter of the French Language". This made French the only official language of the province.
  • Assembly of First Nations formed

    Assembly of First Nations formed
    Canadian Aboriginal peoples formed the Assembly of First Nations to represent them in their dealings with the federal government. Aboriginal rights were then entrenched in the Charter of Rights sand Freedoms
  • 1980 Quebec Referendum – Sovereignty-Association proposed by Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois

    1980 Quebec Referendum – Sovereignty-Association proposed by Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois
    A referndum was held in 1980 to determine Quebec's political future, Levesque proposed that QUebec bevcome indepedent yet maintain economical ties with Canada, Trudeau promised to negotiate a new Constitution that would be a "no side win" The referendum voted against indepenence and Levesque accepted defeat.
  • National Energy Program introduced

    National Energy Program introduced
    Introduced as part of the october 1980 federal budget, which was intended to shelter canadians from soaring world oil prices. It eventually failed in 1985
  • Trudeau patriates the Constitution – Notwithstanding Clause, Kitchen Compromise

    Trudeau patriates the Constitution – Notwithstanding Clause, Kitchen Compromise
    Trudeau wanted to bring the costitution home to canada, as well as include a charter of rights an freedoms. He needed to think of an amending formula first, on november 4th, 10 premiers met in ottawa overnight and thought of the kitchen compromise. 9/10 premiers were awakene in the middle of the night to approve the dea. The premiers accepted the charter of rights, given that an escape clause were added in, as federal/provincial government could opt out of certain clauses in the charter)
  • The Meech Lake Accord dies

    The Meech Lake Accord dies
    Prime minister Brian Mulroney called the premiers to a conference at Meech Lake. They were to discuss amendments to the Constitution. They proposed to recognize Quebec as a distinct society and gave more power to toher provinces. Manitoba and Newfoundland withheld their support however and the Accord disintegrated.
  • The Oka Confrontation

    The Oka Confrontation
    The Oka town council decided to expand a golf course into Mohawk territory (the Kanesatake reserve). The Mohawk warrior society stopped construction by blockading the land. The Quebe provincial police were called in to remove the block, an officer was killed and a tense stad0off ensued. The disputed land was eventually bought by the federal government and given to Kanesatake.
  • The Charlottetown Accord is voted-down in a referendum

    The Charlottetown Accord is voted-down in a referendum
    Mulroney's government formed a "Citizen's form", a committee that travelled across the nation to hear the views of Canadians on the Constitution. They made a package of proposed amendments. This was the Charlottetown Accord. It proposed to reform the Senate, making it an elected body with equal represnetation from all parts of the country.Over 50% rejected it, most of the opposition was in BC, where they didnt want to give Quebec too much power.
  • 1995 Quebec Referendum and the Bloc Quebecois

    1995 Quebec Referendum and the Bloc Quebecois
    The separatist Pari Quebecois was elected once again in the 1994 provincial election. Premier Parizeau called a provincial referendum on Quebec's separation, no side won by a little over 1%, Lucien Bouchard became Quebec premier at the end of the centur and spoke of a new referendum. Prime Minister Chretien established the "Clarity BIll", which set down in law that a substantial yes majority was required before Quebec's independence could be negotiated. As separatusn declined, Bouchard resigns.
  • Ruling on the Delgamuluukw Case

    Ruling on the Delgamuluukw Case
    The proceedings were started in 1984 by the Gitksan and the Wet'suwet'en Nation. They bypassed the slow Federal Land Claims process in which the British Columbia Provincial Government would not participate.They claimed ownership and legal jurisdiction over 133 individual hereditary territories, a total of 58,000 square kilometres of northwestern British Columbia, an area larger than the province of Nova Scotia.
    The Gitksan and Witsuwit'en used their language as primary evidence in this case.
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    Nunavut separated from the Northwest Territories to become the newest Canadian territory. The creation of Nunavut was the outcome of the largest aboriginal land claims agreement between the Canadian government and the native Inuit people.
  • Nisga’a Treaty receives Royal Assent

    Nisga’a Treaty receives Royal Assent
    On April 13, the Senate approves the Nisga’a Final Agreement; the Nisga’a Treaty is formally ratified and Bill C-9 is granted Royal Assent.