Chapter 22: The Age of Nation-States Timeline

  • Rise of Romantic Republicanism

    Rise of Romantic Republicanism
    Mazzini and Garibaldi lead the nationalist movement for a republican Italy.
  • The Tanzimat Era begins 1839

    The Tanzimat Era begins 1839
    The Tanzimat reforms sought to reorganize Ottoman government along European lines and total religious equality.
  • The Zollverein

    The Zollverein
    The Zollverein was a tariff union that allowed the major states of the German Confederation (especially Austria) to trade with each other through their linked economies
  • Period: to

    The German Confederation

    The German Confederation was a meek structure that politically held together German-speaking lands, that was established during the Congress of Vienna. It had a central diet in Frankfurt, and was composed of a 39 state federation. At this time, German unification was no more than a remote thought
  • Cavour becomes Prime Minister

    Cavour becomes Prime Minister
    He was hired by King Victor Emmanuel I because he was a proven successful politician, believed in Enlightenment ideas, and was a strong monarchist--the most conservative choice.
  • Beginning of the Second Empire of France

    Beginning of the Second Empire of France
    Louis Napoleon declares himself as Emperor Napoleon III of the Second Empire of France.
  • Crimean War Begins

    Crimean War Begins
    The Ottoman empire declares war on Russia after Russia declares their ownership of Walachia, Moldavia, and Christian shrines in Jerusalem. Britain and France join the Ottomans in 1854.
  • Piedmont joins Crimean War

    Piedmont joins Crimean War
    He joins the side of England and France, allowing Cavour to raise the Italian question at the Paris Conference.
  • Defeat in Crimean War / Treaty of Paris

    Defeat in Crimean War / Treaty of Paris
    Russia surrendered territory at mouth of Danube River, recognized neutrality of Black Sea, and renounced claims to protect Orthodox Christians in Ottoman Empire
  • Crimean War Ends

    Crimean War Ends
    France and Britain defeat Russia in the Crimean War, giving France total protection over Catholics within the Ottoman Empire and therefore curbing Russia’s influence within the Empire, and granting them sovereignty over holy lands as their protectorate.
  • Treaty of Paris 1856

    Treaty of Paris 1856
    After the Russians lose the war at Sevastopol, each side creates a peace treaty degrading Russia’s influence in Crimea.
  • Plombieres Agreement

    Plombieres Agreement
    Cavour and Napoleon III plot to provoke a war against Austria.
  • War with Piedmont

    War with Piedmont
    Piedmont challenges Austrian holdings in Italy with France’s support sparking war with Piedmont and France, resulting in the formation of a nationalist Italy and the loss of Austria’s influence in Italy.
  • Austro-French Piedmontese War

    Austro-French Piedmontese War
    Piedmont, allied with France, defeats Austria and only gains Lombardy (no Venetia).
  • Garibaldi accepts Piedmontese domination

    Garibaldi accepts Piedmontese domination
    While hoping for a republican Italy, Garibaldi’s nationalistic aspirations won over his republicanism
  • Expedition of the Thousand

    Expedition of the Thousand
    Garibaldi lands his forces in Sicily and invades Southern Italy in hopes of creating a republic rather than a Monarchy that Piedmont wanted.
  • October Diploma: October 20, 1860

    October Diploma: October 20, 1860
    The Magyars rejected this proposal that suggested a federation among states and provinces, local diets ruled by landed classes and one imperial Parliament.
  • Serfdom Abolished

    Serfdom Abolished
    Serfs gained the right to marry without their lord’s permission, the right to buy and sell property, the right to sue in court, and the right to pursue trades.
  • February Patent

    February Patent
    The Magyars still refused to participate in the legislative body called the Reichsrat, which had an upper chamber appointed by the emperor and a lower chamber by indirect voting, no guarantees of civil liberties, ministers responsible only to the emperor, and emperor’s rule by decree.
  • February Patent

    February Patent
    The Magyars still refused to participate in the legislative body called the Reichsrat, which had an upper chamber appointed by the emperor and a lower chamber by indirect voting, no guarantees of civil liberties, ministers responsible only to the emperor, and emperor’s rule by decree.
  • Kingdom of Italy is formed

    Kingdom of Italy is formed
    The new Italian kingdom is very corrupt and lacks an adequate government to deal with the divisions between the North and South.
  • Otto von Bismarck becomes Prime Minister of Prussia

    Otto von Bismarck becomes Prime Minister of Prussia
    William I turns to Bismarck for help after a two-year deadlock between the monarchy and Parliament over the taxes necessary for the army. Bismarck began as very reactionary, but cooled to a conservative as time went on.
  • Polish Rebellion

    Polish Rebellion
    Polish nationalists attempted to overthrow Russian rule; Alexander responded by abolishing Polish serfdom and strictly imposing Russian customs on all Poles.
  • New elections sustain a liberal majority in parliament

    New elections sustain a liberal majority in parliament
    After Bismarck became prime minister in '62, he strongly opposed the liberal parliament and tried to move against them. His attempts were foiled however when in '63 new elections hurt his cause further when the liberal majority was sustained. Henceforth, Bismark had to find a way to draw popular support away from the liberals, and tried to achieve this through using German nationalism as a catalyst to overwhelm the Prussian liberals with a larger number of Prussian conservatives.
  • Period: to

    Alexander II's Reforms (Russia)

    Alexander II reformed local government and the military; he established zemstvos (councils) and introduced some Western reforms like equality before the law and trial by jury. Military service requirements are lowered from 25 years to 6 years + 9 years in reserves.
  • War with Denmark

    War with Denmark
    Austria, as leader of the German Confederation, went to war with Denmark over their annexation of Schleswig-Holstein resulting in joint administration of the regions between Austria and Prussia.
  • War with Denmark

    War with Denmark
    Austria, as leader of the German Confederation, went to war with Denmark over their annexation of Schleswig-Holstein resulting in joint administration of the regions between Austria and Prussia.
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    In order to advance his vision for a united Germany (eventually without Austria), Bismarck tried to defeat Denmark and reclaim the lands of Schleswig and Holstein.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    Dispute over Schleswig-Holstein leads to war between Austria and Prussia, leading to removal of Austria from German Confederation, preventing Austrian influence and intervention into German affairs.
  • Prussia and Austria Go To War

    Prussia and Austria Go To War
    Bismarck provoked Austria into war after creating a dispute over the administration of the Schleswig-Holstein region, leading to an Austrian defeat and Prussian dominance.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    Dispute over Schleswig-Holstein leads to war between Austria and Prussia, leading to removal of Austria from German Confederation, preventing Austrian influence and intervention into German affairs.
  • Second Reform Act

    Second Reform Act
    The bill granted the working class the right to vote, which increased the voting population by ~1 million eligible male voters.
  • Ausgleich Compromise (Formation of a Dual Monarchy)

    Ausgleich Compromise (Formation of a Dual Monarchy)
    After months of secret negotiation, the Austrian Empire became Austria-Hungary; Francis Joseph became the King of Hungary, where the Austro-Hungarian Empire shared only a few common elements (monarchy, army, foreign relations, trade negotiations, etc), and otherwise functioned separately.
  • Dual Monarchy (Ausgleich Compromise of 1867)

    Dual Monarchy (Ausgleich Compromise of 1867)
    After months of secret negotiation, the Austrian Empire became Austria-Hungary; Francis Joseph became the King of Hungary, where the Austro-Hungarian Empire shared only a few common elements (monarchy, army, foreign relations, trade negotiations, etc), and otherwise functioned separately.
  • Creation of the North German Confederation

    Creation of the North German Confederation
    All of Germany north of the Main River came together to form the North German Confederation, with the constitution being accepted on July 1. Each state had its own government, but shared a military. Bismarck was the chancellor, and the king of Prussia the president. The legislature consisted of the Bundesrat and the Reichstag. It was essentially a military monarchy, as the Reichstag had little to no power.
  • Irish Request Home Rule

    Irish Request Home Rule
    The Irish requested home rule to pursue local administration and severance from Great Britain
  • Irish Church Act of 1869

    Irish Church Act of 1869
    This act abolished Anglican dominance within Ireland, and Irish Catholics no longer needed to pay taxes to the Anglican Church
  • Countryside Revolution

    Countryside Revolution
    Students left cities and entered the countryside, attempting to educate peasants and incite revolution; peasants freaked out and reported them to the authorities.
  • Populist Groups Born

    Populist Groups Born
    A populist revolutionary movement grew, led by the prominent organization Land and Freedom.
  • Education Act of 1870

    Education Act of 1870
    Government took over responsibility for elementary education, not the church
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    Napoleon III did not want war, but the rest of his government believed that a victory over Germany would improve support for their empire.
  • Battle of Sedan/ End of Franco-Russian War

    Battle of Sedan/ End of Franco-Russian War
    Franco-Prussian War: The Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III surrendered to the Prussians and France lost Alsace and Lorraine.
  • Proclamation of the German Empire

    Proclamation of the German Empire
    Took place at the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. William became the German emperor, and the princes retained power over their respective states. Germany gained Alsace and Lorraine from the French, from whom they would also be paid an indemnity.
  • Czechs request Trial Monarchy

    Czechs request Trial Monarchy
    While Francis Joseph agreed to their demand for trialism, the Hungarians and German-speaking peoples would not; thus, Francis Joseph became increasingly generous with Czech positions in the bureaucracy, language equality, and other aspects.
  • Czechs want triple monarchy

    Czechs want triple monarchy
    While Francis Joseph agreed to their demand for trialism, the Hungarians and German-speaking peoples would not; thus, Francis Joseph became increasingly generous with Czech positions in the bureaucracy, language equality, and other aspects.
  • The Third Republic Rises

    The Third Republic Rises
    The Third Republic rises, as a transitionary form of government which created the French Constitution of 1875 and lasted until the beginning of World War two and the nazi victory in France.
  • The Paris Commune

    The Paris Commune
    1871: The Paris Commune (a revolutionary, temporary, socialist/anarchist group formed to defend Paris from the Prussia) wanted France to be run by several independent states, ruled by the bourgeoisie.
  • Ballot Act of 1872

    Ballot Act of 1872
    A system of secret ballots was enacted for voting
  • Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875

    Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875
    The government becomes obligated to provide housing for the urban, working poor
  • The Great Eastern Crisis - starts 1875

    The Great Eastern Crisis - starts 1875
    The Ottomans attempt to put down revolts in Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Serbia, which leads to tens of thousands of deaths.
  • Public Health Act of 1875

    Public Health Act of 1875
    The government becomes obligated to violate private property in order to protect sanitation conditions
  • Constantinople Conference 1876-1877

    Constantinople Conference 1876-1877
    The great powers of Europe (not the Ottomans though) came together to discuss solutions to the problems in the Ottoman territories like Bosnia and Bulgaria.
  • Ottoman Constitution made in 1876

    Ottoman Constitution made in 1876
    A liberal constitution was created, and although it lasted two years, it would be readopted in 1908. This marks the end of the Tanzimat era
  • Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878

    Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878
    War broke out when Russia annexed the Crimean Pennisula, resulting in the Russians beating the Ottomans in yet another war.
  • Territory lost to Britain and France beginning in 1878

    Territory lost to Britain and France beginning in 1878
    The Ottoman Empire loses Cyprus to Britain in 1878, Tunisia to France in 1881, and Egypt to Britain in 1882
  • Split in Populism

    Split in Populism
    The populist movement split into two factions, one wanting education for peasants (which dissolved) and the other focused on assassinating enemies.
  • Alexander III Becomes Tsar

    Alexander III Becomes Tsar
    Unlike his predecessor, Alexander III was very autocratic and repressive; for instance, he increased censorship and the presence of secret police during his rule.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

    Assassination of Alexander II
    Members of The People’s Will assassinated Tsar Alexander II and sentenced him to death.
  • Charles Parnell leverages Parliament

    Charles Parnell leverages Parliament
    In order to achieve Irish home rule, Parnell and 85 Irish delegates form a bloc to influence the political battle between British conservatives and liberals; Gladstone promises to back the Home Rule Bill for Parnell’s support
  • Liberal Party splits

    Liberal Party splits
    Liberal Unionists join the Conservative Party to defeat the proposed Home Rule Bill
  • The Franco-Russia Alliance

    The Franco-Russia Alliance
    1894-1917: The Franco-Russian alliance created a formal, military alliance between the two countries, effectively ending France’s isolation from the rest of Europe and reducing Germany’s strength.
  • The Dreyfus Affair

    The Dreyfus Affair
    Evidence is found proving Drefyus' innocence dividing French liberals and conservatives, thus creating a stark contrast in the political and social landscape of France.
  • Equality of Language between Germans and Czechs

    Equality of Language between Germans and Czechs
    As a response to Czech nationalism, Francis Joseph granted equality of language between Germans and Czechs in many regions, which spurred chaos in the Reichsrat.
  • Equality of language between Germans and Czechs

    Equality of language between Germans and Czechs
    As a response to Czech nationalism, Francis Joseph granted equality of language between Germans and Czechs in many regions, which spurred chaos in the Reichsrat.
  • Universal and Equal Male Suffrage

    Universal and Equal Male Suffrage
    All males within Austria-Hungary could vote, regardless of social class and property ownership, though women still could not vote.
  • First election with universal male suffrage

    First election with universal male suffrage
    All males within Austria-Hungary could vote, regardless of social class and property ownership, though women still could not vote.
  • House of Lords Act

    House of Lords Act
    The House of Commons can overturn any vetoes made by the House of Lords as long as they can pass the contested bill three times.
  • 3rd Home Rule Bill

    3rd Home Rule Bill
    Allowed local rule in Ireland; spearheaded Irish independence, however stalled until after WWI