Chapters 6 sec. 1-2

  • France bankruptcy

    France was on the verge of bankruptcy
  • social classes/voting

    everyone in France was divided into one of three social classes, or estates.
    -half the gov. taxes went to paying the interest on Frances debt.
    -voting was changed from one vote per section to a head count but then the third estate locked the doors of the meeting hall so the delegates moved to a tennis court.
    - the city of Paris seized the spotlight from the national assembly meeting in Versailles.
  • Olympe de Gouges and France set up a limited monarchy

    Olympe de Gouges demanded demanded equal rights in her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen.
    -France set up a limited monarchy in place of absolute monarchy.
  • French revolutionaries and European monarchs

    -war of words between French revolutionaries and European monarchs moved onto the battle field
    -citenzs stormed palace of tuileries causing royal family to flee
    -killing of over 1200 nobles and priests
    -convention abolishes monarchy and creates the first republic
  • Louis XVI executed-Marie Antoinette executed

    -Louis XVI executed
    -Marie Antoinette executed
    -Reign of terror begins in Sept. 1793-July 1794
    About 17,000 executed and 300,000 arrested
  • Robespierre executed and ends The Terror

    Robespierre executed and ends The Terror
  • Constitution made Bourgeoisie the most powerful

    Constitution made Bourgeoisie the most powerful
  • constitutional monarchy wins seat majority

    constitutional monarchy wins seat majority