Childhood Development Timeline

By faithtm
  • First Trimester 1/2

    First Trimester 1/2
    The fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo is made of three layers:
    ectoderm- where skin, nervous systems, eyes and ears develop
    mesoderm- where the heart and circulatory system develop
    endoderm- where the lungs and intestines develop
    The sixth week of pregnancy, growth is constant. The brain, heart and spinal cord all begin development, and a heartbeat can be found.
    The seventh week of pregnancy, the brain and face develop. Lower limb buds appear, and the arms can be seen in the form of paddles.
  • First Trimester 2/2

    First Trimester 2/2
    Week 8: lower limbs begin to show in the form of paddles. Fingers and ears begin to develop, and eyes are apparent. The nose and upper lip are also formed at this stage.
    Week 9: arms grow, elbows appear, toes are visible, and eyelids begin to develop.
    Week 10: the head begins to be more rounded, he toes and fingers are no longer webbed.
    Week 11: eyelids are fused, buds where future teeth will appear begin to form, the baby's genitals are beginning to form
    Week 12: intestines and nails form
  • Second Trimester

    Second Trimester
    -The fetus kicks and moves
    - Eyes move towards the front of the face
    - The fetus begins to develop reflexes
    - The fetus goes through sleep cycles
    - Hair begins to grow on the fetus' head
    -Eyelids can begin to open, and eyelashes are visible
    -Fingerprints are formed
  • Third Trimester

    Third Trimester
    -The CNS is more developed, and can direct breathing and body temperature
    - Fetus begins to rapidly gain weight
    - Toenails become visible
    - The fetus' eyes now respond to light stimulation
    - Bones begin to harden
    -Skin begins to smooth
    - Firm grasp develops -Head begins to descend to the pelvis
  • Birth

    After birth:
    - Baby gains 2/3 of an ounce every day
    - Baby suckles, burps and has its first bowel movements
    - Begins to focus on parents' faces
    - Sleeps for 16-18 hours a day
    Two Weeks:
    - First big growth spurt occurs
    - Baby cries when uncomfortable (whether from loud noises, or being hungry)
    - Baby can lift head slightly for a moment's time
    - Baby can become startled
  • Infancy Milestone Emotional

    Infancy Milestone Emotional
    At three months, I was smiling and giggling.
    This is an example of an emotional milestone, as I was learning how to mimic certain expressions, and use them myself.
  • Infancy Milestone Physical

    Infancy Milestone Physical
    On this day in April, I rolled from my back to my front.
    This is an example of a physical developmental milestone, as it showed how much strength I was gaining.
  • Infancy Milestone Social

    Infancy Milestone Social
    My way of expressing emotions was to cry and say few words.
    This is an example of social development as I was learning how to express my emotions to get the help or attention I needed or wanted, and I had no real other way to talk to people.
  • Infancy Milestone Cognitive

    Infancy Milestone Cognitive
    I was very curious about things. I got myself into a lot of trouble by pulling books off of shelves, or trying to crawl into the dishwasher.
  • Toddler Milestone Physical

    Toddler Milestone Physical
    I loved getting to play on the playground at this age, I especially loved the swing set, and getting pushed by other people.
    This is an example of physical development as I was learning how to navigate and climb playground equipment.
  • Toddler Milestone Social

    Toddler Milestone Social
    I was very good at playing with other kids at this age. One of my cousins is only a few months younger than I am, so when we were able to play together, I was able to share and teach him some things I knew. I also loved to play with my older cousins in Maryland.
    This is an example of social development as I was learning how to play along with other kids and teens, and teach them what I knew.
  • Toddler Milestone Creative

    Toddler Milestone Creative
    At two years old, I enjoyed playing dress up and getting to put on jewelry as well as “makeup” which was just chapstick.
    This is an example of creative development, as it shows that I was able to use my imagination to create fun stories for myself to play.
  • Toddler Milestone Cognitive

    Toddler Milestone Cognitive
    At around 2 and 1/2 years of age, I was reciting songs and rhymes I had heard. One example is that I knew all of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and loved to sing it at Diamondback games.
    This is an example of cognitive development, as memorisation shows progress in that area.
  • Early Childhood Milestone Creative

    Early Childhood Milestone Creative
    I loved getting to be creative when I was three. Whether it was dying Easter eggs, playing dress up, or making play dough, I loved it.
    This is an example of creative development as all of these things require me to use my imagination and use my hands to make something
  • Early Childhood Milestone Physical

    Early Childhood Milestone Physical
    I loved swimming as a kid, my mom had me in swim lessons as a baby and my love for being in the water grew as I grew up.
    This is an example of physical development as swimming requires a lot of physical ability and coordination
  • Early Childhood Milestone Social

    Early Childhood Milestone Social
    As a young child, I loved getting to play with and interact with my older brother. He taught me a lot, and I loved to follow his lead.
    This is an example of social development as I was learning how to interact and copy the behaviours of those around me.
  • Early Childhood Milestone Cognitive

    Early Childhood Milestone Cognitive
    As a young child, I loved being in dance Getting to dress up and perform on stage was something I enjoyed getting to do very much.
    This is an example of cognitive and physical development, as dance requires motor skills, as well as the ability to memorise and perform certain steps.
  • Middle Childhood Milestone Physical

    Middle Childhood Milestone Physical
    When I was in elementary school, my mom used to take my brother and I to Sedona every fall. We would spend time going hiking and exploring the area. It was one of my favorite things to do while I was growing up. This helped me develop my physical domain as we would make it a habit to go hiking, which requires physical exercise and ability.
  • Middle Childhood Milestone Language

    Middle Childhood Milestone Language
    My fourth grade year, we were allowed to choose a specialised music lesson that we wanted to learn. We had the options of band, orchestra, or choir. I picked choir, as I had always loved to sing. This began a long journey of being in choirs, learning how to read music and understanding solfege. This was an example of my language development as being in a choir required me to not only be able to read music and the lyrics that were on the page, but recite them as well.
  • Middle Childhood Milestone Cognitive

    Middle Childhood Milestone Cognitive
    When I was in fourth grade, I was entered into my school's geography bee. The geography bee was a contest that they held, similar to that of a spelling bee, however instead of spelling, we were asked questions about geography. It was a competition where each class sent two kids, and out of everyone sent, I was fourth place. This is an example of cognitive development as it shows how I was able to memorize and recite information.
    (Picture: )
  • Middle Childhood Milestone Social-Emotional

    Middle Childhood Milestone Social-Emotional
    2011 was the year I started middle school. This was a big transition for me, as some of my closest friends did not end up going to the same middle school that I did. I had to adjust quickly and learn how to make new friends, which was hard for me because I am a pretty shy person and I get intimidated easily. This shows social-emotional development as I had to learn how to get past my fears and make new friends and build new connections.
  • Adolescent Milestone Physical

    Adolescent Milestone Physical
    Freshman year of high school was slightly overwhelming, I was struggling to gain confidence while being surrounded by people who had the goal of destroying that.
    Freshman year I had PE class followed by choir, in which we would often be running dance numbers, so I had plenty of physical activity daily.
    I was growing and became the tallest of my friends, which at first made me insecure, but I later learned how to love my height.
    (Picture is my freshman year choir concert)
  • Adolescent Milestone Language

    Adolescent Milestone Language
    While I had been in choir since fourth grade, the idea of having a solo always terrified me. My sophomore year of high school, I put myself out there and actually got a solo in a concert.
    Public speaking was always a big fear of mine, and presenting anything in front of a class caused a lot of anxiety. The opportunity to perform in front of so many people really helped me develop that aspect of my language domain.
    (Picture is me performing my first solo)
  • Adolescent Milestone Cognitive

    Adolescent Milestone Cognitive
    Soon after my sixteenth birthday, I got my license. I had been practicing since I had turned 15 1/2, and knew all of the rules of the road. The physical drivers test was a lot less nerve wracking for me than the permit test was.
    This shows development in the cognitive domain as I had to memorize the rules of the road and learn how to navigate the busy roads in a safe way.
    (Picture is me after getting my license)
  • Adolescent Milestone Social-Emotional

    Adolescent Milestone Social-Emotional
    Throughout my high school years, I had many different groups of friends. My first two years of high school, I stayed close to my middle school friends, but junior year, I put myself out there and became friends with a whole new group of people.
    Finding friend groups and building connections really helped develop my social-emotional domain. Because I was so shy and scared of rejection, making new friends helped me learn that it is worth it to put yourself out there.
    (Picture is junior year prom)