Chris McCandless Journey Of Into The Wild

  • (Fairfax, Virginia)

    (Fairfax, Virginia)
    McCandless graduates from W.T . Woodson high school
  • Lake Mead Nevada

    Lake Mead Nevada
    McCandless take's a journey to hike
  • Lake Mead Nevada

    Lake Mead Nevada
    Chris leaves his car behind
  • Atlanta

    Chris does not tell parents where he is going , so his parents get worried so they decides to visit his apartment. When they arrive they find his apartment empty and all the letters his parents have been sending him was being sent back to his parents house.
  • California

    While hitchhiking in California Chris gets a ticket
  • California

    Wayne Westerberg pick's Chris up
  • Yuma, Baja California

    Yuma, Baja California
    Chris goes to Morelos Dam
  • Beach

    Set up camp on Desolate plateau
  • South east of El Golfo de Santa Clara

    South east of El Golfo de Santa Clara
    Terrible storm occurs Chris has to leave his canoe
  • Houston

    Travels to Houston and makes his way to pacific coast
  • Los Angeles

    Los Angeles
    Goes to Los Angeles for an id and a job but then decide to travel again because he was afraid
  • Oregon coast

    Oregon coast
    Christ starts living on Oregon coast but uses post cards to complain about the climate and weather there
  • California

    Starts hitchhiking again to the east and into the desert
  • Bull head city, Arizona

    Bull head city, Arizona
    Works for 2 months at Mc donalds have no where to live so he live in an RV
  • Alaska

    Leaves carthage bound for Alaska
  • Seattle

    Chris sends postcards to Burres
  • Alaska

    Hitchhikes north. Takes a photo of the destination sign of Alaska
  • Sushana River

    Sushana River
    Finds an old and decides to stay there for a good bit.

    Writes: Day 100 ! Made it ! "But in weakest condition of life. Death looms as serious threat"
  • SOS

    Chris post a SOS note on bus door while he look for berries
  • What Chris McCandless learned

    Happiness must be shared with others.Appreciate your family. Don't leave without telling your family where you are going because you never know when it's your time to go . Learn how to forgive