Cival rights movement

  • Start of vietnam war

    This was the first day of the Vetnam war
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of eduacation was a court case that began when a little girl lived right next to an all white school but had to travle a dagerous road to get to an all black school. This ourt case ended the segrigation in public schools.
  • Rosa Parks

    A black women, named Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat on the bus when a white man told her to. She was immediatiey arrested and this event sparked the Montgumary bus boycot.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    This event happened when Rosa Parks didnt give up her seat. Mr. Luther King Jr. advocted peaceful protests and in doing so all of the black community didnt ride the bus. Eventually the bus companies lost to much money and blacks were able to sit where ever they wanted,
  • Seperate but Equal Doctrine Declared Unconstitutional

    No more seperate bathrooms and drinking fountains
  • Martin Luther King Jr. helps Create SCLC

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference or the SCLC encouraged people to protest in a non violent way.
  • Little Rock 9

    9 brave teeenagers were the first black students to attend an all white school. Mny police were they and each student needed their own security for their own protection.
  • First Sit-in in

    The first sit in took place in Greensboro, NC where many African Americans went into a restaurant and just sat their while refusing to move unless they were served. This created a loss in money by the local busineses and soon enough laws were reversed where it was illigal to not serve blacks.
  • Freedom Riders

    The Congress of Racial Equality organizes the Freedom Riders.
  • March on Washington DC

    over 200,000 people gathered in D.C. to hear MLk''s "I have a dream" speach.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The Cival Rghts Act was passed.
  • Nobel peace prize

    Martin Luther King Jr. is the youngest person ever to recieve a nobel piece prize.
  • Bombing of Saigon

    Viet Cong terrorists bomb the U.S. in Saigon
  • Martin Luther King is Murdered

    MLKJ is shot at the age of 39 standing outside on is balcony.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    In 1968 Presedent Johnson signs the Cival Rights Act of 1968 prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing.
  • Mobilization peace demonstration

    The biggest peace rally in U.S. history.
  • The Fall of President Nixon

    Presedent Nixion is removed from office
  • Bloody Sunday

    26 unarmed protesters were killed.
  • US Involvement in Vietnam Ends

    The "War" in Vietnam officially ends.
  • MIAs "Highest National Priority

    Reagan tells the country that finding lost troups is the highest national priority